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Excel Division Formula

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  1. #1

    Excel Division Formula

    I would like to take a cell and divide it by 1000. What is the proper way to
    do this?

  2. #2

    RE: Excel Division Formula

    In the cell where you want the division to occur enter a formula similar to
    This assumes that the value you want to divide is in cell A1.

    "Ron" wrote:

    > I would like to take a cell and divide it by 1000. What is the proper way to
    > do this?

  3. #3

    RE: Excel Division Formula

    In the cell where you want the division to occur enter a formula similar to
    This assumes that the value you want to divide is in cell A1.

    "Ron" wrote:

    > I would like to take a cell and divide it by 1000. What is the proper way to
    > do this?

  4. #4

    RE: Excel Division Formula

    Thank you, but when I put this in the formula, it states that it is a
    circular formula.

    "JLatham" wrote:

    > In the cell where you want the division to occur enter a formula similar to
    > this:
    > =A1/1000
    > This assumes that the value you want to divide is in cell A1.
    > "Ron" wrote:
    > > I would like to take a cell and divide it by 1000. What is the proper way to
    > > do this?

  5. #5
    Forum Expert
    Join Date
    MS-Off Ver
    If you wish to divide a cell by 1000 it depends where you want to do this
    If the cell with the value in is a1 and you want the result in b1 in b1 type= a1/1000. If in cell a1 you typed a1/1000 this would result in a circular reference as it is trying to divide its self and so goes round in circles!

    If you want all of the values divided by 1000. type 1000 into another cell select this cell and copy it. Selct the cell you wish to divide by 1000 choose paste special and choose divide.



  6. #6

    RE: Excel Division Formula

    Sorry for the confusion - yes, putting =A1/1000 into cell A1 will result in a
    circular reference error. That formula would have to go into a different
    cell on the sheet. Thanks to Dav for clarifying.

    If you want to permanently change the original value, it takes a couple of
    steps. Assume your numbers are in column A. Then in column B write the
    formula to divide the value next to it on a row by 1000. That is, in B1 you
    would have =A1/1000 and in B2 you would have =A2/1000. You don't have to
    manually enter all of the formulas, you can enter it once and use a couple of
    different methods to 'extend' or fill the formula down the sheet as far as
    you need to go with it. Use Excel Help and search for 'Fill data in
    worksheet cells' to find out how to do this.

    Once you've done that you can select the cells in column B and use Copy,
    then go back to column A and use the Edit | Paste Special command and choose
    the [Values] option in that dialog box to replace the original values in
    column A with their /1000 value. Then delete the stuff in column B.

    "Ron" wrote:

    > Thank you, but when I put this in the formula, it states that it is a
    > circular formula.
    > "JLatham" wrote:
    > > In the cell where you want the division to occur enter a formula similar to
    > > this:
    > > =A1/1000
    > > This assumes that the value you want to divide is in cell A1.
    > >
    > > "Ron" wrote:
    > >
    > > > I would like to take a cell and divide it by 1000. What is the proper way to
    > > > do this?

  7. #7
    Gord Dibben

    Re: Excel Division Formula

    One other way to do this without any formula.

    Type 1000 in an unused cell.

    Copy that cell.

    Select the other cell and Paste Special>Divide>OK>Esc

    This is a method used to divide many cells by 1000 all at once.

    Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

    On Tue, 8 Aug 2006 16:42:01 -0700, Ron <[email protected]> wrote:

    >I would like to take a cell and divide it by 1000. What is the proper way to
    >do this?

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