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How do I set up a 6 day work week in Excel?

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  1. #1

    How do I set up a 6 day work week in Excel?

    I normally use the WORKDAY function in order to create an involved scheduling
    program. However, I have no idea how to create a formula that would count
    Saturdays as a workday. I usually type in one date and then the dates kick
    out to an end date several months later. How do I create a formula to
    include Saturdays on a daily projection (e.g. A1=8/12/06, A2=8/14/06,

  2. #2
    Forum Contributor
    Join Date
    I am not sure what you are asking.. but try this..

    I put 08/12/06 in A1, and put this in A2:

    =IF(WEEKDAY(A1)=7, A1+2, A1+1)

    Then I fill dragged down.

    Make sure your format the cells into date
    Google is your best friend!

  3. #3
    Forum Expert daddylonglegs's Avatar
    Join Date
    MS-Off Ver
    If you want to add a number of days (B1) to a date (A1) excluding only Sundays


  4. #4

    Re: How do I set up a 6 day work week in Excel?

    Hello Bearacade:

    I normally would have a field in a workbook where every single work day
    would be incorporated into an adjoining cell. Every cell representing a
    consecutive work day. So for a five day work week I would normally use the
    function =WORKDAY(startdate,1,{holiday array}) and it would like
    =WORKDAY(A1,1,$G$5:$G$20) and then I would drag and fill from column (A1) to
    column (EE1) and have a date in every cell that excluded weekends and

    I hoping to find a formula that would do the same kind of autofill that
    would only exclude Sunday and holidays. Any help is greatly appreciated, I
    am beginner at best.

    Thank you,

    > I am not sure what you are asking.. but try this..
    > I put 08/12/06 in A1, and put this in A2:
    > =IF(WEEKDAY(A1)=7, A1+2, A1+1)
    > Then I fill dragged down.
    > Make sure your format the cells into date
    > --
    > Bearacade
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > Bearacade's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=35016
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=570566

  5. #5
    Forum Contributor
    Join Date
    To do it automatically, you would probably have to try Arvi's function.

    My formula will allows you to show a 6 day workweek. Without doing some SUPER crazy formula, it isn't really possible to take the holidays out... Sorry...

  6. #6
    Forum Expert daddylonglegs's Avatar
    Join Date
    MS-Off Ver
    Quote Originally Posted by rrichter
    ....for a five day work week I would normally use the
    function =WORKDAY(startdate,1,{holiday array}) and it would like
    =WORKDAY(A1,1,$G$5:$G$20) and then I would drag and fill from column (A1) to
    column (EE1) and have a date in every cell that excluded weekends and
    Not particularly simple but you could try this formula instead


    The assumption is that you would never have more than 4 consecutive days which are not working days (i.e. holidays or Sundays). If this is not the case then extend the {1,2,3,4,5} accordingly

  7. #7
    Arvi Laanemets

    Re: How do I set up a 6 day work week in Excel?


    You can try this UDF (other functions are used by EnchWorkdaysN)

    Option Base 1

    Public Function EnchWorkdaysN(StartDate As Date, _
    EndDate As Date, _
    Optional Holidays As Variant = Nothing, _
    Optional Weekends As Variant = Nothing, _
    Optional WeekStart As Integer = 1)

    Dim arrayH As Variant, arrayW As Variant
    Dim di As Date, dn As Date, dx As Date

    ' The result doesn't depend on order of values of first 2 parameters.

    ' When parameter Holidays is omitted, or Null, or not a positive numeric
    (date) value,
    ' or not an array or cell range with numeric values, then no holidays
    ' are left out from day's count.

    ' When parameter Weekends is omitted, or Null, or not a numeric value
    >=1 and <8,

    ' or not an array or cell range with at least one numeric value between
    >=1 and <8,

    ' then 1 and 7 (Saturday and Sunday) are set for Weekend default walues,
    ' and according weekdays are left out from day's count.
    ' No weekends are left out from day's count (7-workday week) only then,
    ' when fourth parameter - Weekends - is set to FALSE.

    ' The parameter WeekStart determines, how are determined weekends in 4th
    ' Processed values for parameter WeekStart are integers 1 to 7.
    ' The number 1 indicates Sunday as 1st day of week,
    ' the number 2 indicates Monday as first day of week, etc.
    ' When the parameter WeekStart is not between 1 and 7, then WeekStart =
    (Abs(WeekStart) Mod 7)+1

    ' Initialize ArrayH
    If TypeName(Holidays) = "Variant()" Then
    ReDim arrayH(1 To UBound(Holidays)) As Variant
    For i = 1 To UBound(Holidays)
    arrayH(i) = IIf(VarType(Holidays(i, 1)) > 0 And
    VarType(Holidays(i, 1)) < 8, Holidays(i, 1), Null)
    arrayH(i) = IIf(arrayH(i) < 0, Null, arrayH(i))
    Next i
    ElseIf (VarType(Holidays) >= 8192 And VarType(Holidays) <= 8199) Or _
    VarType(Holidays) = 8204 Then
    ReDim arrayH(1 To UBound(Holidays.Value)) As Variant
    For i = 1 To UBound(Holidays.Value)
    arrayH(i) = IIf(VarType(Holidays(i)) > 0 And
    VarType(Holidays(i)) < 8, Holidays(i), Null)
    arrayH(i) = IIf(arrayH(i) < 0, Null, arrayH(i))
    Next i
    ElseIf VarType(Holidays) < 8 Then
    ReDim arrayH(1) As Variant
    arrayH(1) = Holidays
    arrayH(1) = IIf(arrayH(1) < 0, Null, arrayH(1))
    ReDim arrayH(1) As Variant
    arrayH(1) = Null
    End If
    ' Sort arrayH
    SelectionSort arrayH
    ' Replace non-integer values with integers
    SelectionToInteger arrayH
    ' Remove double entries and empty elements
    SelectionUnique arrayH

    ' Initialize arrayW
    If VarType(Weekends) <> 11 Then
    If TypeName(Weekends) = "Nothing" Then
    ReDim arrayW(1 To 2) As Variant
    arrayW(1) = 1
    arrayW(2) = 7
    ElseIf TypeName(Weekends) = "Variant()" Then
    ReDim arrayW(1 To UBound(Weekends)) As Variant
    For i = 1 To UBound(Weekends)
    If UBound(Weekends) = 1 Then
    arrayW(i) = IIf(VarType(Weekends(i)) > 0 And
    VarType(Weekends(i)) < 8, ((Abs(Weekends(i)) + 12 + WeekStart) Mod 7) + 1,
    arrayW(i) = IIf(VarType(Weekends(i, 1)) > 0 And
    VarType(Weekends(i, 1)) < 8, ((Abs(Weekends(i, 1)) + 12 + WeekStart) Mod 7)
    + 1, Null)
    End If
    arrayW(i) = IIf(arrayW(i) < 1 Or arrayW(i) >= 8, Null,
    Next i
    ElseIf VarType(Weekends) >= 8192 And VarType(Weekends) <= 8199 Or _
    VarType(Weekends) = 8204 Then
    ReDim arrayW(1 To UBound(Weekends.Value)) As Variant
    For i = 1 To UBound(Weekends.Value)
    arrayW(i) = IIf(VarType(Weekends(i)) > 0 And
    VarType(Weekends(i)) < 8, ((Abs(Weekends(i)) + 12 + WeekStart) Mod 7) + 1,
    arrayW(i) = IIf(arrayW(i) < 1 Or arrayW(i) >= 8, Null,
    Next i
    ElseIf (Int(Weekends) >= 1 And Int(Weekends) < 8) Then
    ReDim arrayW(1) As Variant
    arrayW(1) = ((Abs(Weekends) + 12 + WeekStart) Mod 7) + 1
    arrayW(1) = IIf(arrayW(1) < 1 Or arrayW(1) >= 8, Null,
    ReDim arrayW(1 To 2) As Variant
    arrayW(1) = 1
    arrayW(2) = 7
    End If
    ' Sort arrayW
    SelectionSort arrayW
    ' Replace non-integer values with integers
    SelectionToInteger arrayW
    ' Remove double entries and empty elements
    SelectionUnique arrayW, False
    ' Set 1st element to 0 for 7-workday week
    ReDim arrayW(1) As Variant
    arrayW(1) = IIf(Weekends = False, 0, Null)
    End If

    ' When empty array, insert default values
    If arrayW(1) = Null Then
    ReDim arrayW(1 To 2, 1) As Variant
    arrayW(1) = 1
    arrayW(2) = 7
    End If

    ' Calculate the number of workdays in date interval determined by
    StartDay and EndDay
    EnchWorkdaysN = 0
    di = Application.WorksheetFunction.Min(StartDate, EndDate)
    dn = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(StartDate, EndDate)
    dx = di
    Do While dx <= dn
    x = False
    i = 1
    Do While x = False And i <= UBound(arrayH) And TypeName(arrayH(1))
    <> "Null"
    x = (dx = arrayH(i))
    i = i + 1
    i = 1
    Do While x = False And i <= UBound(arrayW) And arrayW(1) <> 0
    x = (Weekday(dx) = arrayW(i))
    i = i + 1
    If Not (x) Then EnchWorkdaysN = EnchWorkdaysN + 1
    dx = dx + 1
    End Function
    Function SelectionSort(TempArray As Variant)
    Dim MaxVal As Variant
    Dim MaxIndex As Integer
    Dim i, j As Integer

    ' The function sorts all entries in 1-dimensional array,
    ' it's a function provided in Microsoft KB article 133135

    ' Step through the elements in the array starting with the
    ' last element in the array.
    For i = UBound(TempArray) To 1 Step -1

    ' Set MaxVal to the element in the array and save the
    ' index of this element as MaxIndex.
    MaxVal = TempArray(i)
    MaxIndex = i

    ' Loop through the remaining elements to see if any is
    ' larger than MaxVal. If it is then set this element
    ' to be the new MaxVal.
    For j = 1 To i
    If TempArray(j) > MaxVal Then
    MaxVal = TempArray(j)
    MaxIndex = j
    End If
    Next j

    ' If the index of the largest element is not i, then
    ' exchange this element with element i.
    If MaxIndex < i Then
    TempArray(MaxIndex) = TempArray(i)
    TempArray(i) = MaxVal
    End If
    Next i

    End Function

    Function SelectionUnique(TempArray As Variant, Optional AllowZeros As
    Boolean = True)
    Dim MaxVal, TempArray2() As Variant
    Dim MaxIndex As Integer
    Dim i, j As Integer

    ' The function is meant to work with ordered arrays
    ' and removes all double entries and Null values
    ' (Except when there is a single value, and it is Null).
    ' Optional argument determines, how 0 values are processed

    ' Initialize
    j = 1
    ReDim TempArray2(1 To j) As Variant
    TempArray2(1) = Null

    ' Step through the elements in the array starting with the
    ' first element in the array.
    For i = 1 To UBound(TempArray) Step 1

    If IsNull(TempArray(i)) Or _
    IsEmpty(TempArray(i)) Or _
    (TempArray(i) = 0 And AllowZeros = False) Then
    ' Redim TempArray2 and add an element
    ReDim Preserve TempArray2(1 To j) As Variant
    TempArray2(j) = TempArray(i)
    j = j + 1

    ' Set CurrVal to the element in the array
    currval = TempArray(i)

    ' Cycle through next elements until value changes
    k = 0
    If i < UBound(TempArray) Then
    Do While TempArray(i + k + 1) = currval
    k = k + 1
    If i + k > UBound(TempArray) Then Exit Do
    End If
    i = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(i, i + k - 1)
    End If

    Next i

    ' Write the passed array over
    TempArray = TempArray2

    End Function

    Function SelectionToInteger(TempArray As Variant)
    Dim i As Integer

    ' The function cuts off decimal part from all non-empty elements of

    ' Step through the elements in the array starting with the
    ' first element in the array.
    For i = 1 To UBound(TempArray) Step 1

    If IsNull(TempArray(i)) Then
    ' Replace array element with it's integer value
    TempArray(i) = Int(TempArray(i))
    End If

    Next i

    End Function

    Arvi Laanemets
    ( My real mail address: arvi.laanemets<at>tarkon.ee )

    "rrichter" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    >I normally use the WORKDAY function in order to create an involved
    > program. However, I have no idea how to create a formula that would count
    > Saturdays as a workday. I usually type in one date and then the dates
    > kick
    > out to an end date several months later. How do I create a formula to
    > include Saturdays on a daily projection (e.g. A1=8/12/06, A2=8/14/06,
    > A3=8/15/06,etc...)?

  8. #8

    Re: How do I set up a 6 day work week in Excel?

    Hello Arvi,

    I appreciate the information that you gave, but I have no clue what a UDF is
    or how to input the information you supplied. I am a beginner and am a bit
    intimidated by your answer.

    Is it possible that you can break this up into a more simplified direction?
    Again, I am trying to create a string of consecutive dates (please see my
    post to Bearacade 8-11-06) that would exclude Sundays, and a holiday array.

    Please advise. Thank you for your time and patience. I greatly appreciate
    your help. rrichter...

    "Arvi Laanemets" wrote:

    > Hi
    > You can try this UDF (other functions are used by EnchWorkdaysN)
    > *****
    > Option Base 1
    > Public Function EnchWorkdaysN(StartDate As Date, _
    > EndDate As Date, _
    > Optional Holidays As Variant = Nothing, _
    > Optional Weekends As Variant = Nothing, _
    > Optional WeekStart As Integer = 1)
    > Dim arrayH As Variant, arrayW As Variant
    > Dim di As Date, dn As Date, dx As Date
    > ' The result doesn't depend on order of values of first 2 parameters.
    > ' When parameter Holidays is omitted, or Null, or not a positive numeric
    > (date) value,
    > ' or not an array or cell range with numeric values, then no holidays
    > ' are left out from day's count.
    > ' When parameter Weekends is omitted, or Null, or not a numeric value
    > >=1 and <8,

    > ' or not an array or cell range with at least one numeric value between
    > >=1 and <8,

    > ' then 1 and 7 (Saturday and Sunday) are set for Weekend default walues,
    > ' and according weekdays are left out from day's count.
    > ' No weekends are left out from day's count (7-workday week) only then,
    > ' when fourth parameter - Weekends - is set to FALSE.
    > ' The parameter WeekStart determines, how are determined weekends in 4th
    > parameter
    > ' Processed values for parameter WeekStart are integers 1 to 7.
    > ' The number 1 indicates Sunday as 1st day of week,
    > ' the number 2 indicates Monday as first day of week, etc.
    > ' When the parameter WeekStart is not between 1 and 7, then WeekStart =
    > (Abs(WeekStart) Mod 7)+1
    > ' Initialize ArrayH
    > If TypeName(Holidays) = "Variant()" Then
    > ReDim arrayH(1 To UBound(Holidays)) As Variant
    > For i = 1 To UBound(Holidays)
    > arrayH(i) = IIf(VarType(Holidays(i, 1)) > 0 And
    > VarType(Holidays(i, 1)) < 8, Holidays(i, 1), Null)
    > arrayH(i) = IIf(arrayH(i) < 0, Null, arrayH(i))
    > Next i
    > ElseIf (VarType(Holidays) >= 8192 And VarType(Holidays) <= 8199) Or _
    > VarType(Holidays) = 8204 Then
    > ReDim arrayH(1 To UBound(Holidays.Value)) As Variant
    > For i = 1 To UBound(Holidays.Value)
    > arrayH(i) = IIf(VarType(Holidays(i)) > 0 And
    > VarType(Holidays(i)) < 8, Holidays(i), Null)
    > arrayH(i) = IIf(arrayH(i) < 0, Null, arrayH(i))
    > Next i
    > ElseIf VarType(Holidays) < 8 Then
    > ReDim arrayH(1) As Variant
    > arrayH(1) = Holidays
    > arrayH(1) = IIf(arrayH(1) < 0, Null, arrayH(1))
    > Else
    > ReDim arrayH(1) As Variant
    > arrayH(1) = Null
    > End If
    > ' Sort arrayH
    > SelectionSort arrayH
    > ' Replace non-integer values with integers
    > SelectionToInteger arrayH
    > ' Remove double entries and empty elements
    > SelectionUnique arrayH
    > ' Initialize arrayW
    > If VarType(Weekends) <> 11 Then
    > If TypeName(Weekends) = "Nothing" Then
    > ReDim arrayW(1 To 2) As Variant
    > arrayW(1) = 1
    > arrayW(2) = 7
    > ElseIf TypeName(Weekends) = "Variant()" Then
    > ReDim arrayW(1 To UBound(Weekends)) As Variant
    > For i = 1 To UBound(Weekends)
    > If UBound(Weekends) = 1 Then
    > arrayW(i) = IIf(VarType(Weekends(i)) > 0 And
    > VarType(Weekends(i)) < 8, ((Abs(Weekends(i)) + 12 + WeekStart) Mod 7) + 1,
    > Null)
    > Else
    > arrayW(i) = IIf(VarType(Weekends(i, 1)) > 0 And
    > VarType(Weekends(i, 1)) < 8, ((Abs(Weekends(i, 1)) + 12 + WeekStart) Mod 7)
    > + 1, Null)
    > End If
    > arrayW(i) = IIf(arrayW(i) < 1 Or arrayW(i) >= 8, Null,
    > arrayW(i))
    > Next i
    > ElseIf VarType(Weekends) >= 8192 And VarType(Weekends) <= 8199 Or _
    > VarType(Weekends) = 8204 Then
    > ReDim arrayW(1 To UBound(Weekends.Value)) As Variant
    > For i = 1 To UBound(Weekends.Value)
    > arrayW(i) = IIf(VarType(Weekends(i)) > 0 And
    > VarType(Weekends(i)) < 8, ((Abs(Weekends(i)) + 12 + WeekStart) Mod 7) + 1,
    > Null)
    > arrayW(i) = IIf(arrayW(i) < 1 Or arrayW(i) >= 8, Null,
    > arrayW(i))
    > Next i
    > ElseIf (Int(Weekends) >= 1 And Int(Weekends) < 8) Then
    > ReDim arrayW(1) As Variant
    > arrayW(1) = ((Abs(Weekends) + 12 + WeekStart) Mod 7) + 1
    > arrayW(1) = IIf(arrayW(1) < 1 Or arrayW(1) >= 8, Null,
    > arrayW(1))
    > Else
    > ReDim arrayW(1 To 2) As Variant
    > arrayW(1) = 1
    > arrayW(2) = 7
    > End If
    > ' Sort arrayW
    > SelectionSort arrayW
    > ' Replace non-integer values with integers
    > SelectionToInteger arrayW
    > ' Remove double entries and empty elements
    > SelectionUnique arrayW, False
    > Else
    > ' Set 1st element to 0 for 7-workday week
    > ReDim arrayW(1) As Variant
    > arrayW(1) = IIf(Weekends = False, 0, Null)
    > End If
    > ' When empty array, insert default values
    > If arrayW(1) = Null Then
    > ReDim arrayW(1 To 2, 1) As Variant
    > arrayW(1) = 1
    > arrayW(2) = 7
    > End If
    > ' Calculate the number of workdays in date interval determined by
    > StartDay and EndDay
    > EnchWorkdaysN = 0
    > di = Application.WorksheetFunction.Min(StartDate, EndDate)
    > dn = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(StartDate, EndDate)
    > dx = di
    > Do While dx <= dn
    > x = False
    > i = 1
    > Do While x = False And i <= UBound(arrayH) And TypeName(arrayH(1))
    > <> "Null"
    > x = (dx = arrayH(i))
    > i = i + 1
    > Loop
    > i = 1
    > Do While x = False And i <= UBound(arrayW) And arrayW(1) <> 0
    > x = (Weekday(dx) = arrayW(i))
    > i = i + 1
    > Loop
    > If Not (x) Then EnchWorkdaysN = EnchWorkdaysN + 1
    > dx = dx + 1
    > Loop
    > End Function
    > Function SelectionSort(TempArray As Variant)
    > Dim MaxVal As Variant
    > Dim MaxIndex As Integer
    > Dim i, j As Integer
    > ' The function sorts all entries in 1-dimensional array,
    > ' it's a function provided in Microsoft KB article 133135
    > ' Step through the elements in the array starting with the
    > ' last element in the array.
    > For i = UBound(TempArray) To 1 Step -1
    > ' Set MaxVal to the element in the array and save the
    > ' index of this element as MaxIndex.
    > MaxVal = TempArray(i)
    > MaxIndex = i
    > ' Loop through the remaining elements to see if any is
    > ' larger than MaxVal. If it is then set this element
    > ' to be the new MaxVal.
    > For j = 1 To i
    > If TempArray(j) > MaxVal Then
    > MaxVal = TempArray(j)
    > MaxIndex = j
    > End If
    > Next j
    > ' If the index of the largest element is not i, then
    > ' exchange this element with element i.
    > If MaxIndex < i Then
    > TempArray(MaxIndex) = TempArray(i)
    > TempArray(i) = MaxVal
    > End If
    > Next i
    > End Function
    > Function SelectionUnique(TempArray As Variant, Optional AllowZeros As
    > Boolean = True)
    > Dim MaxVal, TempArray2() As Variant
    > Dim MaxIndex As Integer
    > Dim i, j As Integer
    > ' The function is meant to work with ordered arrays
    > ' and removes all double entries and Null values
    > ' (Except when there is a single value, and it is Null).
    > ' Optional argument determines, how 0 values are processed
    > ' Initialize
    > j = 1
    > ReDim TempArray2(1 To j) As Variant
    > TempArray2(1) = Null
    > ' Step through the elements in the array starting with the
    > ' first element in the array.
    > For i = 1 To UBound(TempArray) Step 1
    > If IsNull(TempArray(i)) Or _
    > IsEmpty(TempArray(i)) Or _
    > (TempArray(i) = 0 And AllowZeros = False) Then
    > Else
    > ' Redim TempArray2 and add an element
    > ReDim Preserve TempArray2(1 To j) As Variant
    > TempArray2(j) = TempArray(i)
    > j = j + 1
    > ' Set CurrVal to the element in the array
    > currval = TempArray(i)
    > ' Cycle through next elements until value changes
    > k = 0
    > If i < UBound(TempArray) Then
    > Do While TempArray(i + k + 1) = currval
    > k = k + 1
    > If i + k > UBound(TempArray) Then Exit Do
    > Loop
    > End If
    > i = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(i, i + k - 1)
    > End If
    > Next i
    > ' Write the passed array over
    > TempArray = TempArray2
    > End Function
    > Function SelectionToInteger(TempArray As Variant)
    > Dim i As Integer
    > ' The function cuts off decimal part from all non-empty elements of
    > array
    > ' Step through the elements in the array starting with the
    > ' first element in the array.
    > For i = 1 To UBound(TempArray) Step 1
    > If IsNull(TempArray(i)) Then
    > Else
    > ' Replace array element with it's integer value
    > TempArray(i) = Int(TempArray(i))
    > End If
    > Next i
    > End Function
    > *****
    > --
    > Arvi Laanemets
    > ( My real mail address: arvi.laanemets<at>tarkon.ee )
    > "rrichter" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    > news:[email protected]...
    > >I normally use the WORKDAY function in order to create an involved
    > >scheduling
    > > program. However, I have no idea how to create a formula that would count
    > > Saturdays as a workday. I usually type in one date and then the dates
    > > kick
    > > out to an end date several months later. How do I create a formula to
    > > include Saturdays on a daily projection (e.g. A1=8/12/06, A2=8/14/06,
    > > A3=8/15/06,etc...)?


  9. #9
    Forum Expert daddylonglegs's Avatar
    Join Date
    MS-Off Ver
    Hi rrichter,

    did you see my previous reply?

    I don't know if you would prefer a formula solution. Perhaps try it and see what you think...

  10. #10
    Arvi Laanemets

    Re: How do I set up a 6 day work week in Excel?


    To create UDF (User Defined Function) ENCHWORKDAY():

    With your workbook opened and active, press Alt+F11 - this opens VBA Editor.
    As you likely don't any VBA code inserted before this, select from Edit menu
    of VBA editor Insert>Module. In VBA Project subwindow in leftmost upper
    corner of VBA editor, an object Module1 does appear (when you did have some
    modules before, the number of module may be different).
    Doubble-click on newly created module (Module1). Paste the code I provided
    into code window, which did appear in rightmost upper section of VBA editor.
    NB! You have to edit the code, to repair code rows distorted when posted
    (some code rows will be broken to several parts)
    Close the VBA editor.
    Now you can use the UDF as any other Excel function - but in this workbook
    only. (There are means to make an UDF available in all workbooks opened in
    your comp, but for start you don't need this.) Simply enter into cell
    formula like
    , or
    etc. Read comments in function header to get some information about function
    parameters (comments are rows started with an apostrophe).

    Arvi Laanemets

    "rrichter" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Hello Arvi,
    > I appreciate the information that you gave, but I have no clue what a UDF

    > or how to input the information you supplied. I am a beginner and am a

    > intimidated by your answer.
    > Is it possible that you can break this up into a more simplified

    > Again, I am trying to create a string of consecutive dates (please see my
    > post to Bearacade 8-11-06) that would exclude Sundays, and a holiday

    > Please advise. Thank you for your time and patience. I greatly

    > your help. rrichter...
    > "Arvi Laanemets" wrote:
    > > Hi
    > >
    > > You can try this UDF (other functions are used by EnchWorkdaysN)
    > >
    > > *****
    > > Option Base 1
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > > Public Function EnchWorkdaysN(StartDate As Date, _
    > > EndDate As Date, _
    > > Optional Holidays As Variant = Nothing,

    > > Optional Weekends As Variant = Nothing,

    > > Optional WeekStart As Integer = 1)
    > >
    > >
    > > Dim arrayH As Variant, arrayW As Variant
    > > Dim di As Date, dn As Date, dx As Date
    > >
    > > ' The result doesn't depend on order of values of first 2

    > >
    > > ' When parameter Holidays is omitted, or Null, or not a positive

    > > (date) value,
    > > ' or not an array or cell range with numeric values, then no

    > > ' are left out from day's count.
    > >
    > > ' When parameter Weekends is omitted, or Null, or not a numeric

    > > >=1 and <8,

    > > ' or not an array or cell range with at least one numeric value

    > > >=1 and <8,

    > > ' then 1 and 7 (Saturday and Sunday) are set for Weekend default

    > > ' and according weekdays are left out from day's count.
    > > ' No weekends are left out from day's count (7-workday week) only

    > > ' when fourth parameter - Weekends - is set to FALSE.
    > >
    > > ' The parameter WeekStart determines, how are determined weekends in

    > > parameter
    > > ' Processed values for parameter WeekStart are integers 1 to 7.
    > > ' The number 1 indicates Sunday as 1st day of week,
    > > ' the number 2 indicates Monday as first day of week, etc.
    > > ' When the parameter WeekStart is not between 1 and 7, then

    WeekStart =
    > > (Abs(WeekStart) Mod 7)+1
    > >
    > >
    > > ' Initialize ArrayH
    > > If TypeName(Holidays) = "Variant()" Then
    > > ReDim arrayH(1 To UBound(Holidays)) As Variant
    > > For i = 1 To UBound(Holidays)
    > > arrayH(i) = IIf(VarType(Holidays(i, 1)) > 0 And
    > > VarType(Holidays(i, 1)) < 8, Holidays(i, 1), Null)
    > > arrayH(i) = IIf(arrayH(i) < 0, Null, arrayH(i))
    > > Next i
    > > ElseIf (VarType(Holidays) >= 8192 And VarType(Holidays) <= 8199) Or

    > > VarType(Holidays) = 8204 Then
    > > ReDim arrayH(1 To UBound(Holidays.Value)) As Variant
    > > For i = 1 To UBound(Holidays.Value)
    > > arrayH(i) = IIf(VarType(Holidays(i)) > 0 And
    > > VarType(Holidays(i)) < 8, Holidays(i), Null)
    > > arrayH(i) = IIf(arrayH(i) < 0, Null, arrayH(i))
    > > Next i
    > > ElseIf VarType(Holidays) < 8 Then
    > > ReDim arrayH(1) As Variant
    > > arrayH(1) = Holidays
    > > arrayH(1) = IIf(arrayH(1) < 0, Null, arrayH(1))
    > > Else
    > > ReDim arrayH(1) As Variant
    > > arrayH(1) = Null
    > > End If
    > > ' Sort arrayH
    > > SelectionSort arrayH
    > > ' Replace non-integer values with integers
    > > SelectionToInteger arrayH
    > > ' Remove double entries and empty elements
    > > SelectionUnique arrayH
    > >
    > >
    > > ' Initialize arrayW
    > > If VarType(Weekends) <> 11 Then
    > > If TypeName(Weekends) = "Nothing" Then
    > > ReDim arrayW(1 To 2) As Variant
    > > arrayW(1) = 1
    > > arrayW(2) = 7
    > > ElseIf TypeName(Weekends) = "Variant()" Then
    > > ReDim arrayW(1 To UBound(Weekends)) As Variant
    > > For i = 1 To UBound(Weekends)
    > > If UBound(Weekends) = 1 Then
    > > arrayW(i) = IIf(VarType(Weekends(i)) > 0 And
    > > VarType(Weekends(i)) < 8, ((Abs(Weekends(i)) + 12 + WeekStart) Mod 7) +

    > > Null)
    > > Else
    > > arrayW(i) = IIf(VarType(Weekends(i, 1)) > 0 And
    > > VarType(Weekends(i, 1)) < 8, ((Abs(Weekends(i, 1)) + 12 + WeekStart) Mod

    > > + 1, Null)
    > > End If
    > > arrayW(i) = IIf(arrayW(i) < 1 Or arrayW(i) >= 8, Null,
    > > arrayW(i))
    > > Next i
    > > ElseIf VarType(Weekends) >= 8192 And VarType(Weekends) <= 8199

    Or _
    > > VarType(Weekends) = 8204 Then
    > > ReDim arrayW(1 To UBound(Weekends.Value)) As Variant
    > > For i = 1 To UBound(Weekends.Value)
    > > arrayW(i) = IIf(VarType(Weekends(i)) > 0 And
    > > VarType(Weekends(i)) < 8, ((Abs(Weekends(i)) + 12 + WeekStart) Mod 7) +

    > > Null)
    > > arrayW(i) = IIf(arrayW(i) < 1 Or arrayW(i) >= 8, Null,
    > > arrayW(i))
    > > Next i
    > > ElseIf (Int(Weekends) >= 1 And Int(Weekends) < 8) Then
    > > ReDim arrayW(1) As Variant
    > > arrayW(1) = ((Abs(Weekends) + 12 + WeekStart) Mod 7) + 1
    > > arrayW(1) = IIf(arrayW(1) < 1 Or arrayW(1) >= 8, Null,
    > > arrayW(1))
    > > Else
    > > ReDim arrayW(1 To 2) As Variant
    > > arrayW(1) = 1
    > > arrayW(2) = 7
    > > End If
    > > ' Sort arrayW
    > > SelectionSort arrayW
    > > ' Replace non-integer values with integers
    > > SelectionToInteger arrayW
    > > ' Remove double entries and empty elements
    > > SelectionUnique arrayW, False
    > > Else
    > > ' Set 1st element to 0 for 7-workday week
    > > ReDim arrayW(1) As Variant
    > > arrayW(1) = IIf(Weekends = False, 0, Null)
    > > End If
    > >
    > > ' When empty array, insert default values
    > > If arrayW(1) = Null Then
    > > ReDim arrayW(1 To 2, 1) As Variant
    > > arrayW(1) = 1
    > > arrayW(2) = 7
    > > End If
    > >
    > > ' Calculate the number of workdays in date interval determined by
    > > StartDay and EndDay
    > > EnchWorkdaysN = 0
    > > di = Application.WorksheetFunction.Min(StartDate, EndDate)
    > > dn = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(StartDate, EndDate)
    > > dx = di
    > > Do While dx <= dn
    > > x = False
    > > i = 1
    > > Do While x = False And i <= UBound(arrayH) And

    > > <> "Null"
    > > x = (dx = arrayH(i))
    > > i = i + 1
    > > Loop
    > > i = 1
    > > Do While x = False And i <= UBound(arrayW) And arrayW(1) <> 0
    > > x = (Weekday(dx) = arrayW(i))
    > > i = i + 1
    > > Loop
    > > If Not (x) Then EnchWorkdaysN = EnchWorkdaysN + 1
    > > dx = dx + 1
    > > Loop
    > > End Function
    > > Function SelectionSort(TempArray As Variant)
    > > Dim MaxVal As Variant
    > > Dim MaxIndex As Integer
    > > Dim i, j As Integer
    > >
    > > ' The function sorts all entries in 1-dimensional array,
    > > ' it's a function provided in Microsoft KB article 133135
    > >
    > > ' Step through the elements in the array starting with the
    > > ' last element in the array.
    > > For i = UBound(TempArray) To 1 Step -1
    > >
    > > ' Set MaxVal to the element in the array and save the
    > > ' index of this element as MaxIndex.
    > > MaxVal = TempArray(i)
    > > MaxIndex = i
    > >
    > > ' Loop through the remaining elements to see if any is
    > > ' larger than MaxVal. If it is then set this element
    > > ' to be the new MaxVal.
    > > For j = 1 To i
    > > If TempArray(j) > MaxVal Then
    > > MaxVal = TempArray(j)
    > > MaxIndex = j
    > > End If
    > > Next j
    > >
    > > ' If the index of the largest element is not i, then
    > > ' exchange this element with element i.
    > > If MaxIndex < i Then
    > > TempArray(MaxIndex) = TempArray(i)
    > > TempArray(i) = MaxVal
    > > End If
    > > Next i
    > >
    > > End Function
    > >
    > > Function SelectionUnique(TempArray As Variant, Optional AllowZeros As
    > > Boolean = True)
    > > Dim MaxVal, TempArray2() As Variant
    > > Dim MaxIndex As Integer
    > > Dim i, j As Integer
    > >
    > > ' The function is meant to work with ordered arrays
    > > ' and removes all double entries and Null values
    > > ' (Except when there is a single value, and it is Null).
    > > ' Optional argument determines, how 0 values are processed
    > >
    > > ' Initialize
    > > j = 1
    > > ReDim TempArray2(1 To j) As Variant
    > > TempArray2(1) = Null
    > >
    > > ' Step through the elements in the array starting with the
    > > ' first element in the array.
    > > For i = 1 To UBound(TempArray) Step 1
    > >
    > > If IsNull(TempArray(i)) Or _
    > > IsEmpty(TempArray(i)) Or _
    > > (TempArray(i) = 0 And AllowZeros = False) Then
    > > Else
    > > ' Redim TempArray2 and add an element
    > > ReDim Preserve TempArray2(1 To j) As Variant
    > > TempArray2(j) = TempArray(i)
    > > j = j + 1
    > >
    > > ' Set CurrVal to the element in the array
    > > currval = TempArray(i)
    > >
    > > ' Cycle through next elements until value changes
    > > k = 0
    > > If i < UBound(TempArray) Then
    > > Do While TempArray(i + k + 1) = currval
    > > k = k + 1
    > > If i + k > UBound(TempArray) Then Exit Do
    > > Loop
    > > End If
    > > i = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(i, i + k - 1)
    > > End If
    > >
    > > Next i
    > >
    > > ' Write the passed array over
    > > TempArray = TempArray2
    > >
    > > End Function
    > >
    > > Function SelectionToInteger(TempArray As Variant)
    > > Dim i As Integer
    > >
    > > ' The function cuts off decimal part from all non-empty elements of
    > > array
    > >
    > > ' Step through the elements in the array starting with the
    > > ' first element in the array.
    > > For i = 1 To UBound(TempArray) Step 1
    > >
    > > If IsNull(TempArray(i)) Then
    > > Else
    > > ' Replace array element with it's integer value
    > > TempArray(i) = Int(TempArray(i))
    > > End If
    > >
    > > Next i
    > >
    > > End Function
    > > *****
    > >
    > >
    > > --
    > > Arvi Laanemets
    > > ( My real mail address: arvi.laanemets<at>tarkon.ee )
    > >
    > >
    > > "rrichter" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    > > news:[email protected]...
    > > >I normally use the WORKDAY function in order to create an involved
    > > >scheduling
    > > > program. However, I have no idea how to create a formula that would

    > > > Saturdays as a workday. I usually type in one date and then the dates
    > > > kick
    > > > out to an end date several months later. How do I create a formula to
    > > > include Saturdays on a daily projection (e.g. A1=8/12/06, A2=8/14/06,
    > > > A3=8/15/06,etc...)?

    > >
    > >
    > >

  11. #11
    Registered User
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    Re: How do I set up a 6 day work week in Excel?

    This is the formula I use to create a 6 day working week.


    I normal define a range called "Hols" either on the same sheet or a separate sheet which has the Federal Holidays.

    I hope this helps!
    My best regards,
    Last edited by PRDIGM47; 04-10-2020 at 10:45 AM.

  12. #12
    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: How do I set up a 6 day work week in Excel?

    The last post before yours was 14 years ago, but thanks!

    Enthusiastic self-taught user of MS Excel who's always learning!
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