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Need set up template/function in Excel to gather survey answers

  1. #1

    Need set up template/function in Excel to gather survey answers

    I am sending out an Excel 2003 workbook questionnaire to travelers. They
    will complete it and email it back to me. What is an easy way to compile all
    of the information from the multiple workbooks into one master workbook?

  2. #2
    Debra Dalgleish

    Re: Need set up template/function in Excel to gather survey answers

    If you describe how the survey worksheet is laid out, someone may be
    able to suggest a way to compile the results.

    MSCraven wrote:
    > I am sending out an Excel 2003 workbook questionnaire to travelers. They
    > will complete it and email it back to me. What is an easy way to compile all
    > of the information from the multiple workbooks into one master workbook?

    Debra Dalgleish

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