Hello all,

I'm trying to use the following formula in conditional formatting in cell A2 when the range A2:AW64 is selected (this conditional
formatting will be copied to all cells in the selected range):

Formula is: =isodd($A2)

The error I keep getting is this:

"You may not use references to other worksheets or other workbooks for Conditional Formatting criteria."

I'm trying to use this conditional formatting because column A is our "Order" column. "Order" can be from 1 to 13 and this column
is sorted ascending. There can be multiple rows in each Order number. So I want to shade all 1's, 3's, 5's, etc... so that each
Order group has alternating shading.

I also want to use conditional formatting, not VBA, to get this to work. In the future, rows might be added to an Order number or
two and I want the shading to automatically adjust.

What is going on here? Does anyone know how to get this to work?

Thanks for any help anyone can provide,

Conan Kelly