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saving workbook to destination file automatically

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Unhappy saving workbook to destination file automatically

    I'm looking to rename and save my workbook to a destination file everday at a preset time. After it saves to the destination file i need all the data to be removed from the origional workbook.

    Lets say I'm working with a workbook called Book1 everyday at lets say 3:00 p.m. it saves that Workbook to a destination file along with todays date. Example Book1_8_21_06. Then once saved all data is removed from the origional workbook.

    Is this acheivable?


  2. #2

    RE: saving workbook to destination file automatically

    Indeed, its doable, question is have you absolutely thought everything out -
    you say you want to delete all information in the workbook after it's saved -
    are you sure about that? Or are there column headers, info text, formulas,
    etc that need to be left in place?
    Also, you'd probably want to rename the workbook a second time after having
    saved it with the data, because it's going to keep that name and if someone
    comes along and saves it, then the original data saved is gone.

    If this is a totally automated thing, look into setting up a perpetual loop
    inside of either the Workbook_Open() or Worksheet_Activate() events to simply
    check the time and when it is at (or after, hard to hit an exact time) then
    do the rename, save, cleanup, and rename again functions. Probably only want
    to set your timer for about every 10 or 20 minutes within the function to
    keep from stealing too much time from the primary purpose of the workbook.

    "mikespeck" wrote:

    > Hi,
    > I'm looking to rename and save my workbook to a destination file
    > everday at a preset time. After it saves to the destination file i need
    > all the data to be removed from the origional workbook.
    > Lets say I'm working with a workbook called Book1 everyday at lets say
    > 3:00 p.m. it saves that Workbook to a destination file along with
    > todays date. Example Book1_8_21_06. Then once saved all data is
    > removed from the origional workbook.
    > Is this acheivable?
    > Mike
    > --
    > mikespeck
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > mikespeck's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=34946
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=573762

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Unhappy rename workbook daily

    Maybe I didn't explain everything fully. I have data comeing into row 3 automatically throught an opc server. I have vba written so that everytime new data comes in on row three the old data keeps dropping down through the rows. Well as everyone knows excell starts to get sloggish with more and more data comeing in. What I would like to do is save the entire workbook, under todays date, at a certain time of the day. Then on the origional workbook clear all the data from rows 4 and down. Then on the next day at the preset time save the workbook again with the date. Can someone add to my code to have this possible? I've enclosed the code below..

    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    If Range("A3").Value <> 1 Then
    Exit Sub
    End If
    If Not Intersect(Range(Target.Address), Me.Range("A3")) _
    Is Nothing Then
    Me.Cells(Me.Range("A:A").Rows.Count, Target.Column).Clear
    Dim rgOldValues As Range
    Dim iLastRow As Long
    iLastRow = Me.Cells(Columns(Target.Column).Rows.Count, Target.Column) _
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    Select Case iLastRow
    Case 1
    Case 2
    Case 3
    Range("A4:H4").Value = Range("A3:H3").Value
    Range("C4").Value = Now
    Cells(4, Target.Column).Value = Cells(3, Target.Column).Value
    Case Else
    vaOldValues = Me.Range("A4:H" & _
    IIf(iLastRow = 4, 5, iLastRow))
    Range("A5:H5").Resize(UBound(vaOldValues, 1), 6).Value = _
    Range("A4:H4").Value = Range("A3:H3").Value
    Range("C4").Value = Now
    Set rgOldValues = Me.Range(Cells(Target.row + 2, Target.Column), _
    Cells(iLastRow, Target.Column))
    Cells(4, Target.Column).Value = Cells(3, Target.Column).Value
    End Select
    Application.EnableEvents = True
    End If
    Exit Sub
    End Sub

  4. #4

    Re: saving workbook to destination file automatically

    Thanks for the clarification. That makes things much easier to deal with in
    coming up with a solution for you. I'll be looking at this later, have to
    rush off right now, and quite possibly someone else will add the few lines to
    your existing code needed to accomplish this before I even get back. It's
    actually probably only going to be about half-a-dozen lines of code or so.

    "mikespeck" wrote:

    > Maybe I didn't explain everything fully. I have data comeing into row 3
    > automatically throught an opc server. I have vba written so that
    > everytime new data comes in on row three the old data keeps dropping
    > down through the rows. Well as everyone knows excell starts to get
    > sloggish with more and more data comeing in. What I would like to do is
    > save the entire workbook, under todays date, at a certain time of the
    > day. Then on the origional workbook clear all the data from rows 4 and
    > down. Then on the next day at the preset time save the workbook again
    > with the date. Can someone add to my code to have this possible? I've
    > enclosed the code below..
    > Thanks,
    > Mike
    > Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    > If Range("A3").Value <> 1 Then
    > Exit Sub
    > End If
    > If Not Intersect(Range(Target.Address), Me.Range("A3")) _
    > Is Nothing Then
    > Me.Cells(Me.Range("A:A").Rows.Count, Target.Column).Clear
    > Dim rgOldValues As Range
    > Dim iLastRow As Long
    > iLastRow = Me.Cells(Columns(Target.Column).Rows.Count, Target.Column)
    > _
    > .End(xlUp).row
    > Application.EnableEvents = False
    > Select Case iLastRow
    > Case 1
    > Case 2
    > Case 3
    > Range("A4:H4").Value = Range("A3:H3").Value
    > Range("C4").Value = Now
    > Cells(4, Target.Column).Value = Cells(3, Target.Column).Value
    > Case Else
    > vaOldValues = Me.Range("A4:H" & _
    > IIf(iLastRow = 4, 5, iLastRow))
    > Range("A5:H5").Resize(UBound(vaOldValues, 1), 6).Value = _
    > vaOldValues
    > Range("A4:H4").Value = Range("A3:H3").Value
    > Range("C4").Value = Now
    > Set rgOldValues = Me.Range(Cells(Target.row + 2, Target.Column), _
    > Cells(iLastRow, Target.Column))
    > Cells(4, Target.Column).Value = Cells(3, Target.Column).Value
    > End Select
    > Application.EnableEvents = True
    > End If
    > Exit Sub
    > End Sub
    > --
    > mikespeck
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > mikespeck's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=34946
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=573762

  5. #5

    Re: saving workbook to destination file automatically

    "mikespeck" wrote:

    > Maybe I didn't explain everything fully. I have data comeing into row 3
    > automatically throught an opc server. I have vba written so that
    > everytime new data comes in on row three the old data keeps dropping
    > down through the rows. Well as everyone knows excell starts to get
    > sloggish with more and more data comeing in. What I would like to do is
    > save the entire workbook, under todays date, at a certain time of the
    > day. Then on the origional workbook clear all the data from rows 4 and
    > down. Then on the next day at the preset time save the workbook again
    > with the date. Can someone add to my code to have this possible? I've
    > enclosed the code below..
    > Thanks,
    > Mike
    > Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    > If Range("A3").Value <> 1 Then
    > Exit Sub
    > End If
    > If Not Intersect(Range(Target.Address), Me.Range("A3")) _
    > Is Nothing Then
    > Me.Cells(Me.Range("A:A").Rows.Count, Target.Column).Clear
    > Dim rgOldValues As Range
    > Dim iLastRow As Long
    > iLastRow = Me.Cells(Columns(Target.Column).Rows.Count, Target.Column)
    > _
    > .End(xlUp).row
    > Application.EnableEvents = False
    > Select Case iLastRow
    > Case 1
    > Case 2
    > Case 3
    > Range("A4:H4").Value = Range("A3:H3").Value
    > Range("C4").Value = Now
    > Cells(4, Target.Column).Value = Cells(3, Target.Column).Value
    > Case Else
    > vaOldValues = Me.Range("A4:H" & _
    > IIf(iLastRow = 4, 5, iLastRow))
    > Range("A5:H5").Resize(UBound(vaOldValues, 1), 6).Value = _
    > vaOldValues
    > Range("A4:H4").Value = Range("A3:H3").Value
    > Range("C4").Value = Now
    > Set rgOldValues = Me.Range(Cells(Target.row + 2, Target.Column), _
    > Cells(iLastRow, Target.Column))
    > Cells(4, Target.Column).Value = Cells(3, Target.Column).Value
    > End Select
    > Application.EnableEvents = True
    > End If
    > Exit Sub
    > End Sub
    > --
    > mikespeck
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > mikespeck's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=34946
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=573762

  6. #6

    Re: saving workbook to destination file automatically

    Trying again - sorry if ends up semi-duplicate posting.

    Try putting this code inside of your current _Change() event handler. Down
    near the bottom, probably just ahead of the Exit Sub statement would be a
    good place (after that statement wouldn't do much good <g>).

    Change the line defining the time of day for the save to be whatever time
    you want it to be.

    'variables for the workbook save operations
    Dim originalFullName As String
    Dim newFullName As String
    Dim TimeToSave As Date ' date/time

    TimeToSave = "10:30:00 AM" ' change as you want
    'put this somewhere down inside of your current _Change code
    If Format(Now(), "hh:mm") > TimeToSave Then
    originalFullName = ThisWorkbook.FullName
    newFullName = Left(originalFullName, Len(originalFullName) -
    newFullName = newFullName & Left(ThisWorkbook.Name,
    InStr(ThisWorkbook.Name, ".xls") - 1)
    newFullName = newFullName & "_" & Month(Now()) & "_" & Day(Now()) &
    "_" & Right(Year(Now()), 2) & ".xls"
    If Dir(newFullName) = "" Then
    ' haven't done this yet, so do it now
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    'save with the new name
    ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=newFullName
    'clear out the existing data
    If Selection.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row > 3 Then
    Rows("4:" &
    Selection.Delete shift:=xlUp
    End If
    'revert to the old name
    ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=originalFullName
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    End If
    End If

    What it does: if the current time is later than the time you've coded into
    it, then it creates a new filename (for use in same folder) and tests to see
    if that file already exists, if it does not exist, saves current workbook
    with the new name, clears out any information in rows 4:n, where n is last
    row used, and then gives the workbook its original name back.

    If the modified file already exists in the folder, then it none of this
    happens - waits until the next day to write another copy.

    I split the build up of the new file name over 3 instructions, just to keep
    line breaks here in the forum to a minimum, obviously those could be written
    as a single instruction.
    "mikespeck" wrote:

    > Maybe I didn't explain everything fully. I have data comeing into row 3
    > automatically throught an opc server. I have vba written so that
    > everytime new data comes in on row three the old data keeps dropping
    > down through the rows. Well as everyone knows excell starts to get
    > sloggish with more and more data comeing in. What I would like to do is
    > save the entire workbook, under todays date, at a certain time of the
    > day. Then on the origional workbook clear all the data from rows 4 and
    > down. Then on the next day at the preset time save the workbook again
    > with the date. Can someone add to my code to have this possible? I've
    > enclosed the code below..
    > Thanks,
    > Mike
    > Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    > If Range("A3").Value <> 1 Then
    > Exit Sub
    > End If
    > If Not Intersect(Range(Target.Address), Me.Range("A3")) _
    > Is Nothing Then
    > Me.Cells(Me.Range("A:A").Rows.Count, Target.Column).Clear
    > Dim rgOldValues As Range
    > Dim iLastRow As Long
    > iLastRow = Me.Cells(Columns(Target.Column).Rows.Count, Target.Column)
    > _
    > .End(xlUp).row
    > Application.EnableEvents = False
    > Select Case iLastRow
    > Case 1
    > Case 2
    > Case 3
    > Range("A4:H4").Value = Range("A3:H3").Value
    > Range("C4").Value = Now
    > Cells(4, Target.Column).Value = Cells(3, Target.Column).Value
    > Case Else
    > vaOldValues = Me.Range("A4:H" & _
    > IIf(iLastRow = 4, 5, iLastRow))
    > Range("A5:H5").Resize(UBound(vaOldValues, 1), 6).Value = _
    > vaOldValues
    > Range("A4:H4").Value = Range("A3:H3").Value
    > Range("C4").Value = Now
    > Set rgOldValues = Me.Range(Cells(Target.row + 2, Target.Column), _
    > Cells(iLastRow, Target.Column))
    > Cells(4, Target.Column).Value = Cells(3, Target.Column).Value
    > End Select
    > Application.EnableEvents = True
    > End If
    > Exit Sub
    > End Sub
    > --
    > mikespeck
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > mikespeck's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=34946
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=573762

  7. #7
    Registered User
    Join Date


    I'm not very good at this VBA code stuff but it looks to me that there may be some errors, and I would'nt know where to begin. However when I load your code in VBA the following line are red......

    newFullName = Left(originalFullName, Len(originalFullName) -
    newFullName = newFullName & Left(ThisWorkbook.Name,
    InStr(ThisWorkbook.Name, ".xls") - 1)
    newFullName = newFullName & "_" & Month(Now()) & "_" & Day(Now()) &
    "_" & Right(Year(Now()), 2) & ".xls"

    Rows("4:" &
    Selection.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row).Se lect

    Thanks for your help,

  8. #8
    Registered User
    Join Date


    Got It, this code works perfectly, I appreciate all the help.

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