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Using "IF" function for the first time

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Using "IF" function for the first time

    Thanks in advance for the help.

    I'm needing to use the "IF" function in a formula for the first time, at least I think that's my solution.

    I've got a spread sheet made of several worksheets. Each worksheet grows with new entries every day. As a new item is added to a row, I need it to total on another page based on a variable in column "C"

    1. Each individual worksheet has about 15 columns. Column "C" is the one I am trying to refer to in my formula. Columns "D" through "O" represent the months, Jan - Dec.

    2. My final worksheet needs to total numbers from all other sheets according to the value entered in column "C".

    For examples sake, lets say my worksheets are called

    blue, green, red, yellow, purple and orange, with orange being the sheet I am totaling everything on.

    Further, lets say that the values in column "C" are blueberry, lime, apple, banana, and plum.

    There are numerous destination cells in the orange sheet where I need something like the following:

    "if cell C2 on the blue worksheet = blueberry, add it to the total in this cell, if it equals anything else, ignore it if cell C2 on the green worksheet = blueberry, add it to the total in this cell, otherwise ignore it." this formula needs to continue so it references cell C2 on each sheet. When the formula is completed, I'll drag it across to reference the other columns across the sheet.

    in the cell below it, I'll need something such as: "if cell C2 on the blue worksheet = lime, add it to the total in this cell, if it equals anything else, ignore it" and so on as listed above.

    Hope I haven't lost everyone. Thanks again for your help.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert
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    look at the countif function, unfortunately it would have to be a seperate function for each sheet

    so countif(blue!c2,"blueberry")+countif(green!c2,"blueberry") etc

    However if you just want the total number of blueberries on any sheet

    countif(blue!c:c,"blueberry")+countif(green!c:c,"blueberry") etc



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