
I'm looking for a way to have excel look up one value (from a list) and return multiple corresponding values.

For example, using the following data:

A1: Smith
A2: Jones
A3: Doe
A4: Clark
A5: Smith

B1: 509A5
B2: 837T7
B3: 123C6
B4: 833K2
B5: 509A5

C1: Blue
C2: Green
C3: Yellow
C4: Red
C5: Orange

If I wanted to know the corresponding values for "Smith" (cells A1 and A5), I need a formula that will give me the values in B1, C1, B5 and C5(ie: 5009A5, Blue, 509A5 and Orange).

I tried the MS Office online example (using the Ashish, Sanjay, Pongal list), but I cannot get the formula to work (for reference, the MS Office example is found at http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/ex...260381033.aspx

Any thoughts, suggestions?
