I have a worksheet with 14 spreadsheets. 1 is a table with the employee number (arbitrary # assigned to them), their first name, last name and department all in different columns. 12 are sheets for each month, and one final summary page for every individual that totals how many times their name appears on each individual month.

Here's what I want to do. Right now it is manually tracked w/o formulas, and I know this can be done. I want to match the employee number to the table and then input the name, and department in each month's spreadsheet. Then, on the summary page, I want to run a count for each time that person's employee number appears over all of the months. So, if they had 2 in Jan, 5 in Apr., 4 in Sept, and so on, it would give me a total of 11.

I was thinking sumproduct might be useful here, but I'm not sure in what capacity. As for matching to the chart and producing the remaining fields in the row where that number appears, is that match? It has been a while since I played with more advanced functions, so bear with me.

