Hey all again, thanks for reading and helping out.

Almost the same kind of function as I asked before. I need to count the amount of times I have received files from a vendor. I have a sheet called 'tracking' and a sheet called 'vendor'. Function is going into vendor.

The difference from my last post is I need to count the vendor IF a specific date is filled in. Example, I sent files to a vendor for distribution on 5/15/2005. They send the files back on 5/20/2005. IF they sent if back the vendor will be counted.

Vendor name is 'Gary' for just this example.

If there was no 5/20/2005 the item would not be counted. Because it is, I want it to be counted. So say, you have 10 items total and 8 have dates in them. So the other sheet with this function (I think the function would be a CountIF with an IF function within it) would have 8 as the answer, because there are 8 dates on the other sheet and 2 blanks.

I know I would do "COUNTIF(IF())", just not sure how to set it up.

Note that the date is different from item to item.

Thanks for any help that you can give!