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Problem with M S Excel, copying to floppy

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Problem with M S Excel, copying to floppy

    Windows XP Home.......M S Office 2003

    Could someone please explain the correct proceedure for copying a single file created in M S Excel, onto a floppy disc, ( so that only that single file exists on the floppy)

    When I try to do this, and click on the file icon on the floppy disc , I get the M S Excel page (Blank but blue) ....click on file....and then ALL the files i've saved in excel, appear in the drop down menu.

    I only want the file that I've saved at this time to be on the floppy.

    It seems that when I click on the file icon on the floppy , I am being directed back to M S Excel on my PC.

    I was under the impression that I had saved a particular file that had been created in M S Excel on to a floppy and also onto two memory sticks, as back up.....however I then decided to delete the file on the floppy.......and now I cannot get the file that I deleted on the floppy on either of the two memory sticks......or my pc

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  2. #2
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    i could be way out here but i'll have a go.

    This is pretty simple stuff, and probably what you've done so if its useless, well, never mind!

    I would suggest only having the file you want saved open. Then insert the floppy disk. Click;
    -Save AS

    then select the floppy drive and give the file a name. This is how I usually save stuff to memory peripherals. Hope this sorts it!

  3. #3
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    problem with M S excel copying to flopy

    Tried that again and again ...........still get all the files in the drop down menu under file, on both the memory sticks and floppy.

    Have tried exactly the same thing in M S Words and that works ok. no prob.

    Must be something to do with the way excel is set up to work, or i'm missing something.

    Must be something simple.... it has worked ok for me over the past three years......think I'll try reinstalling MS office 2003 in case anything has been corrupted.......thanks for your suggestions and taking the time to consider my problem....much appreciated


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