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Lookup (Unknown errors?)

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    Lookup (Unknown errors?)

    Ok, I have gotten a little further with the spreadsheet I'm working on. (working 2 jobs really don't give for a lot of time to spend on it)

    Here is the issue:

    In the attached file I'm attempting to create a Building Cost Estimate list, it takes the level, then looks it up, and spits it back out, and after it does that it multiples it by the amount you require:

    =LOOKUP(B27,'Cost Expendatures'!H4:I24)*G27

    This is for wood, looking at how much wood it would take at a given level. This I have no problem with.

    The problem is when I actually attempt it at another field such as the Iron, using the same calculation with the $ signs in it so to keep some of the math the same:

    =LOOKUP($B$29,'Cost Expendatures'!$H$52:I77)*$G$29

    This for some reason doesn't work.... It should, but it doesn't...any help would be appreciated on figuring out why...
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