
I am hoping someone can help me out with this. I've tried searching all over the place to find the error or resolution to the following:
I have a data base of project that has projects listed by date pulled from a sharepoint system.
I want to be able to count how many projects meet a certain criteria of multiple column fields within a specified month and year.

I can use the Sumproduct formula as it is to count how many projects meet about 4 different criterias. However as soon as i add a date criteria i get a #Value error.

If i use the date criteria on its own without the other ones it counts the projects meeting the criteria just fine.

If i use the other criteria's on their own they work just fine.

the problem is when i use them together.

Just to give you an example here is

So essentially i am saying in this shortened version of the formula that i want all the projects that were closed in the first month (Jan) of 2008 please count.

Can anyone tell me what i am missing or doing wrong?
