Hello all,

I'm in the leadup to my A2 ICT controlled conditions piece where i have to make an Excel system. My chosen subject for this is to use the school house points system. I'm going to make a system where the results of house matches are inputted and points are awarded accordingly.

I just have a couple of queries after looking at my initial designs.

1. Is it possible to get excel to look through a sheet, find a text reference, then bring up something in a cell located in the same row? For example, for it to locate one of the House team names, then go along the row and find the ammount of house points they have in order to make a total for them. Is this also possible over a number of sheets? (In order to keep a running total on a separate sheet).
E.G. House, Games Played, Wins, Losses, Draws, House Points

2. For the house cross country event they use a different system which differs from everything i have designed. What i basically need to do is be able to use a drop down against each finishing position where you can select one of the four house teams, then it takes the points won for that finishing position and puts them into a table.

I dont know if these things are basic or difficult. I'm have a decent knowledge of Excel, i just cant work these things out and wondered if anyone could help. It would be much appreciated, thanks
