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Stop Excel from changing relative reference

  1. #1
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    Stop Excel from changing relative reference

    Good day all,
    This has been driving me nuts for months, perhaps someone can help.

    I am using Row/Column referencing and my formula works fine UNTIL I cut a row and insert it at another location. Excel finds it necessary to change the relative reference such that it maintains a link to the original cell. What I WANT is for it to reference Column 3 in the row above THIS row no matter where I move it.

    The spreadsheet auto calculates the next event number and time it starts.
    The data might have a blank row so the formula must check for that before incrementing the Event number. Event is in Column 3, Time in Column 4:

    Event Time
    29 11:57 AM
    30 12:09 PM
    31 12:21 PM

    The calculation for ALL of the event number cells should ALWAYS be:
    =IF(R[-1]C3="",R[-2]C3+1, R[-1]C3+1)

    But if I need to move an event (they are grouped by similar event type), Excel changes the formula. For example, I 'cut' the row with Event 31 and insert it above Event 30.

    I end up with this: =IF(R[1]C3="",R[-1]C3+1, R[1]C3+1)
    and the data looks is now this:
    29 11:57 AM
    31 12:21 PM
    30 12:09 PM

    I've been fixing it by copying the formula from the first row across all subsequent (non blank) rows. However that is a PITA, is there some way to force Excel to maintain THIS row -1??


  2. #2
    Forum Expert shg's Avatar
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    You can use named relative ranges.

    Select cell C3, do Insert > Name > Define,

    up1 Refers to: =C2
    up2 Refers to: =C1

    Then change your formula to =IF(up1 = "", up2 + 1, up1 + 1)
    Last edited by shg; 01-24-2008 at 10:51 PM.

  3. #3
    Forum Expert mikerickson's Avatar
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    You could use Named Ranges as a work around.

    Name: R.1C3
    Refers to: =OFFSET(!R1C1,ROW(!RC)-2,2,1,1)

    can replace the R[-1]C3, while

    Name: R.2C3
    RefersTo: =OFFSET(!R1C1,ROW(!RC)-3,2,1,1)

    replaces R[-2]C3.

    Select a cell below Row 3 immediatly before entering these names.
    ...How to Cross-post politely...
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  4. #4
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    Cell relative to THIS cell even after row is moved

    I thank both of you PROFUSELY!!!

    I would never have found that solution. I guess MS couldn't make it easy. However, it solves the specific problem I posted and with some effort figuring out how it worked, I used it to update 2 additional fields that are also auto filled based on other data in the sheet. No more 'copy the formula' dance when I rearrange the rows.

    I'm sorry I didn't reply sooner. I posted after the last time I needed to make a schedule and didn't check back until I needed to make another one (which is now).


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