I have put together a tool for my patients that is basically a worksheet with the dates across the top, and symptoms down the side. Patients enter a numerical value to describe how they are doing and I have done an average in the far right column =AVERAGE(XX:XX) and it works fine. Each date ends in the last cell with an average of all numerical values put in for that date. Again =AVERAGE(XX:XX) and it works fine. Problem is that I want to average all responses for the month. So I take the last column of averaged individual symptoms for the month and want a general average of all of them again using the AVERAGE(XX:XX) function and though it is accepted in the cell, it does not work. I know that averaging averages can be tough. I did write a function that looked like =AVERAGE(A1,A2,A3.....) problem is that all of the cells have to be occupied to produce an overall average. Months have different number of days, and patients will start using the form at different points, at times less than a full month of data, so it will not work. Any ideas of what would work. If anyone cares to look at my spreadsheet, it can be viewed at my temp blog ...
http://robacktemp.blogspot.com It is the orange cell that I am trying to solve!!! Thanks for any help you can offer. Thanks.