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Another formula to match up data depending on multiple critierias

  1. #1
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    Another formula to match up data depending on multiple critierias

    Again I need a formula to match up some data depending on 3 sets of criteria been met.

    If you download the spreadsheet


    In sheet ‘container price list’ in column J the formula needs to match up the data from sheet 1 to show the relevant number of lifts/week from column C. The criteria that needs to be met is the account number, container and site description.

    So for example in cell A738 the account number is M030. Firstly the formula needs to match the account number from cell A738 to the appropriate cell in ‘sheet 1’. Sometimes there will be many matches as in this case so the formula should then look at the container type from C738 and match that with the relevant container under the account M030. Again there are multiple matches so the formula should now look at the site description in B738 and match it with the relevant cell. The Answer to be displayed should be the lifts/week which, in this instance is in C583.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert NBVC's Avatar
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    If I understand you correctly, you just need to add the criteria for the site description to the existing formula?

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  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Yep thats what I tried to do before posting but it wouldn't return a value for some reason. That formula works though. Thank you

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