Hey everyone I am not sure if I should post this here or in the Program section, so I'm doing both!

What I have is one main spreadsheet with all the categories needed which I retrieved from a database. All that is here are the categories of products sold over the past 4 years.

I have also retrieved many documents spanning over the past 4 years all with relevant data but with "missing" rows when compared with the main spreadsheet. (This is due to some items not being in the database 4 years or so ago) I have retrieved data from 68 periods spanning those 4 years and what was retrieved were the categories as well as amount sold.

I would like the program to look at my 68 periods of data, recognize identical category names between the two and then fill in the sales data from the limited (1 of 68 periods) spreadsheet into the main spreadsheet.

I am by no means not new to Excel but I could not find what I wanted in the help menu. That being said I am by no means a pro, so if anyone could help me and give me some nice instructions or some info on where to look it would be greatly appreciated!!!

Thanks alot for any help you are able to give!