I have a column which contains text and somewhere within the text there may or may not be characters in the format n/nnn where n is a number e.g. "1/021" or "4/054".

What I need to do is find anything in the string matching this format and pull it out of the original string leaving the string without the n/nnn and the n/nnn on its own in another column.

I tried various left, right, len etc but couldnt get the desired result.

something like
existing single column:
mess room 5/043
3/032 toilet
passage 3/022 booking hall

would end up in 2 columns as (numbers in 1 colunm and rest of text in another):
5/043 mess room
3/032 toilet
3/022 passage booking hall

If it cant be done with formulas I may be able to run a macro instead.