Hi guys,

Want to create a rotating line roster where there is 3 groups:
a part timers group of 4
a fulltimers group of 25
a supervisors group of 4

It is a line roster where everyone will drop down a line every week.

Right now with concatenate/vlookup/lookup and if -There is:
- a drop down box for shift swaps
- a box on the first day of the week where you type in date and it gives you dates for new week.

what i need:
- when you type in the new week date, it drops everyone down a line
- to be able to keep break times in the roster and have them move as well when a shift change has been requested (right now i only have it with break starting times- as it was too complicated with both)
- to show everyones name and line number in a friendly fashion, and hide the quadruple names showing now for forumulas.

If someone could look at the existing roster i would be very greatful, or if you think its not something for excel, pls advise..
