I have dates stored in cells F5 - G5 - H5 - I5 - J5 - K5 - L5 -
M5 - N5 - O5 - They're stored in the format MM/DD/YY

For example: F5 - 05 Might be:
07/28/08 (MON) 07/29/08(TUE) 07/30/08 (WED) 07/31/08 (THUR) 08/1/08
(FRI) 08/02/08 (SAT) 08/03/08 (SUN) 08/04/08 (MON) 08/05/08 (TUE)
08/06/08 (WED)

The value to populate in the cells below these dates so like F7 for
example is stored in a cell C20 - that value can change...but one
particular value is 10 (this is an hourly rate at which people earn

People can only Earn time at the beginning of the month IF the 1st of the month falls on a Mon-Fri So if the beginning of the month fell on a
Friday...(8/1/08) the Earned time would have to populate the cell below the Friday Date.

If the first of the month fell on a Saturday Then the Earned Time value would populate the cell for the 1st Monday of the month So the formula
would have to take that into account...

Any ideas?

Thanks so much!