I have some cells containing imported text with a lot of leading spaces. I try to get rid of them by TRIM'ing those cells, but it doesn't work.
Is TRIM only for trailing spaces?
I have some cells containing imported text with a lot of leading spaces. I try to get rid of them by TRIM'ing those cells, but it doesn't work.
Is TRIM only for trailing spaces?
Last edited by nsv; 10-06-2008 at 10:08 AM.
No, trimming will work on leading spaces too. The fact that it isn't getting rid of your 'spaces' suggests to me they aren't actually spaces. Try Substitute:
CHAR(160) is the non-breaking space character, often confused with an actual space.
you could also try the =clean() function
In my test CLEAN does not removes non-breaking space.
=clean(SUBSTITUTE(A1,CHAR(160),"")) should just about cover every thing then!
or find /replace alt+160 with nothing
The SUBSTITUTE works, thank you very much; I'm impressed that you could guess that the culprit was CHAR(160) :-)
Last edited by nsv; 09-26-2008 at 03:14 AM.
Well, it did work in my first trial, but second time it didn't.
I then tried CLEAN(SUBSTITUTE(A1,CHAR(160),"")), which also didn't work, but TRIM(SUBSTITUTE(A1,CHAR(160),"")) did the job.
I can't figure out what is happening, but I suppose I will - eventually. Anyway, thanks a lot for the tips about CLEAN and SUBSTITUTE; I wasn't aware of those functions.
Order of operation is important.
TRIM removes leading/trailing and double spaces, CHAR(32)
SUBSTITUTE remove non-breaking spaces, CHAR(160)
CLEAN would remove non-printable characters
None of normal Trim formulas work in Win 8....excel 2007
Also f4 does not do normal absolute function
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Ben Van Johnson
Agree completely with protonLeah, but just wanted to add that all trim functions as well as F4 do work perfectly fine in Win8 MS 2007...that is the config I am running right now
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