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Building a comma delimited string from Cell Range

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  1. #1
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    Building a comma delimited string from Cell Range

    I would like to build a comma-delimited string from a range of cells. I would like to be able to put a number in the cell next to the word to indicate whether or not to include the cell in the string. Once there is a number entered in column b, I would like to sort on column b.

    For example,

    word1 1
    word2 2
    word3 3

    I need a function to build a string to look like "word1,word2,word3"


    Last edited by Patchworks; 11-16-2008 at 08:26 PM.

  2. #2
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    I need your support to add reputations if my solution works.

  3. #3
    Forum Expert JBeaucaire's Avatar
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    That function only goes three deep. C Pearson has created a whole "addin" that turns the mildly effective Concatenate function into a fully usable StringCat function. Use this page to create the addin and use it, simple stuff based on your example.
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  4. #4
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    sglife, thanks for your example. It might be easier since I don't know how to put functions in excel. Also, one thing that I've noticed is if I have multiple cells with the same number in the order field, it only includes the first one with that number. For Example, several words marked as order 2, it only includes the first one.


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    JBeaucaire, that function looks pretty powerful but I don't know how to put UDFs in a workbook. Can you explain or point in the right direction?

    Last edited by Patchworks; 11-12-2008 at 02:36 PM.

  5. #5
    Forum Expert JBeaucaire's Avatar
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    How to Create a UDF

    Quote Originally Posted by Patchworks View Post
    JBeaucaire, that function looks pretty powerful but I don't know how to put UDFs in a workbook. Can you explain or point in the right direction?
    1. Open up the workbook
    2. Get into VBA (Press Alt+F11)
    3. Insert a new module (Insert > Module)
    4. Copy and Paste the Excel user defined function examples - (I've copied the text of the UDF for you below)
    5. Get out of VBA (Press Alt+Q)
    6. Use the functions (They will appear in the Paste Function dialog box, Shift+F3, under the "User Defined" category)

    If you want to use a UDF in more than one workbook, you can save your functions in your own custom add-in. Simply save your excel file that contains your VBA functions as an add-in file (.xla). Then load the add-in (Tools > Add-Ins...). Warning! Be careful about using custom functions in spreadsheets that you need to share with others. If they don't have your add-in, the functions will not work when they use the spreadsheet.

    Function StringConcat(Sep As String, ParamArray Args()) As String
    ' StringConcat
    ' This function concatenates all the elements in the Args array,
    ' delimited by the Sep character, into a single string. This function
    ' can be used in an array formula.
    Dim S As String
    Dim N As Long
    Dim M As Long
    Dim R As Range
    Dim NumDims As Long
    Dim LB As Long
    Dim IsArrayAlloc As Boolean
    ' If no parameters were passed in, return
    ' vbNullString.
    If UBound(Args) - LBound(Args) + 1 = 0 Then
        StringConcat = vbNullString
        Exit Function
    End If
    For N = LBound(Args) To UBound(Args)
        ' Loop through the Args
        If IsObject(Args(N)) = True Then
            ' OBJECT
            ' If we have an object, ensure it
            ' it a Range. The Range object
            ' is the only type of object we'll
            ' work with. Anything else causes
            ' a #VALUE error.
            If TypeOf Args(N) Is Excel.Range Then
                ' If it is a Range, loop through the
                ' cells and create append the elements
                ' to the string S.
                For Each R In Args(N).Cells
                    S = S & R.Text & Sep
                Next R
                ' Unsupported object type. Return
                ' a #VALUE error.
                StringConcat = CVErr(xlErrValue)
                Exit Function
            End If
        ElseIf IsArray(Args(N)) = True Then
            On Error Resume Next
            ' ARRAY
            ' If Args(N) is an array, ensure it
            ' is an allocated array.
            IsArrayAlloc = (Not IsError(LBound(Args(N))) And _
                (LBound(Args(N)) <= UBound(Args(N))))
            On Error GoTo 0
            If IsArrayAlloc = True Then
                ' The array is allocated. Determine
                ' the number of dimensions of the
                ' array.
                NumDims = 1
                On Error Resume Next
                NumDims = 1
                Do Until Err.Number <> 0
                    LB = LBound(Args(N), NumDims)
                    If Err.Number = 0 Then
                        NumDims = NumDims + 1
                        NumDims = NumDims - 1
                    End If
                ' The array must have either
                ' one or two dimensions. Greater
                ' that two caues a #VALUE error.
                If NumDims > 2 Then
                    StringConcat = CVErr(xlErrValue)
                    Exit Function
                End If
                If NumDims = 1 Then
                    For M = LBound(Args(N)) To UBound(Args(N))
                        If Args(N)(M) <> vbNullString Then
                            S = S & Args(N)(M) & Sep
                        End If
                    Next M
                    For M = LBound(Args(N), 1) To UBound(Args(N), 1)
                        If Args(N)(M, 1) <> vbNullString Then
                            S = S & Args(N)(M, 1) & Sep
                        End If
                    Next M
                    For M = LBound(Args(N), 2) To UBound(Args(N), 2)
                        If Args(N)(M, 2) <> vbNullString Then
                            S = S & Args(N)(M, 2) & Sep
                        End If
                    Next M
                End If
                S = S & Args(N) & Sep
            End If
            S = S & Args(N) & Sep
        End If
    Next N
    ' Remove the trailing Sep character
    If Len(Sep) > 0 Then
        S = Left(S, Len(S) - Len(Sep))
    End If
    StringConcat = S
    End Function

  6. #6
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    Ok, I've done exactly as you said, but there is where I get evertime. WHen I try to use the UDF I get #NAME? in the cell. I cant find the UDF!


  7. #7
    Forum Expert JBeaucaire's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patchworks View Post
    Ok, I've done exactly as you said, but there is where I get evertime. WHen I try to use the UDF I get #NAME? in the cell. I cant find the UDF!

    The last instruction above tells you where to find them:

    Select a cell, press Shift+F3, the Paste Options appear, under "select a category" choose "User Defined" (near the bottom of the picklist)

  8. #8
    Forum Expert JBeaucaire's Avatar
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    Examples Of StringConcat

    The following are a few examples of the StringConcat function.

    Concatenating literal text:
    returns A|B|C

    Concatenating text in a range of cells:
    returns the values from B1:B5, each separated by a | character.

    Concatenation In An Array Formula
    returns the values from cells C30:C39, separated by a | character where the corresponding value in the range B30:B39 is greater than 4.

    And your original array:
    Makes word1,word2,word3 from Column A if there is a number in Column B.
    Last edited by JBeaucaire; 11-12-2008 at 08:09 PM.

  9. #9
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    Ok, after messing with this a few hours I find this function to be very quirky. I've setup an example worksheet and I can't seem to get it to work. Here is my example.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  10. #10
    Forum Expert JBeaucaire's Avatar
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    Works perfect. That is an ARRAY formula. You have to press CTRL-SHIFT-ENTER to make Excel apply the array, just ENTER doesn't turn on the array. Try again.

  11. #11
    Forum Expert shg's Avatar
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    As JB says, it's an array formula, but not because of StringConcat; it's because of this part:

    =StringConcat(",", IF(B5:B9>0, A5:A9, "") )

    ... because the IF has to evaluate an array and return an array.
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  12. #12
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    Well, sorry for all the trouble, but thank for your help.


  13. #13
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    Guys, this array thing is way to quirky. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. 6 months from now I will never remember to turn the left, hold my breath and jump 3 times on one leg.

    Is this the only way I'm gonna get this done? I've spend 2 weeks with countless hours trying to get a frickin list of words and this just isn't working?

    Is there another way?

  14. #14
    Forum Expert shg's Avatar
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    Excel is a complex but totally repeatable application. It rewards the time invested in understanding.

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  15. #15
    Forum Expert JBeaucaire's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patchworks View Post
    Guys, this array thing is way to quirky. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. 6 months from now I will never remember to turn the left, hold my breath and jump 3 times on one leg.

    Is this the only way I'm gonna get this done? I've spend 2 weeks with countless hours trying to get a frickin list of words and this just isn't working?

    Is there another way?
    I don't mean to "speechify" but everything in life is hard until you know how. Everything. Learning to press CTRL-SHIFT-ENTER is a new idea, granted. Very new. But the idea you can't get used to it, or remember later, I don't accept that. I think you can.

    Is this the only way to do this? No, you can spend countless hours learning how to program in VBA and maintain a macro of some extensive complication. Does that sound EASIER? No.

    You've done work, installed the UDF, learned how it works. You're only a CTRL-SHIFT-ENTER away from being done. You can do it.

  16. #16
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    Thanks for the pep talk as I was pretty frustrated when I left that last message. I wish it were as simple as doing the CTRL-SHIFT-ENTER, but I doesn't work most of the time. Once I get it to work and manipluate my data, it breaks and I can't get it to work again.


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