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Unsure how to properly execute tricky if function

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    Post Unsure how to properly execute tricky if function

    I start with 2 tables. 1 being a list of first and last names and addresses of people who bought Domestic cars. The second is the same but it is a list of people who bought foreign cars. (mind you this is all on one sheet and is for a college class). I merge all the names and addresses into another table, the third, and make a sort key. The third table is called both ok. What im supposed to do is use an IF function to find out if everone person in the third table was in the first and second tables and display 1 if true and 0 if false. Can someone help me out? what i have come up with so far and have no idea if it is even relatively correct: ==IF(AND(D16=A5:C10,F5:H11),1,0). I just get #VALUE with that. I have attached the File, you can look at that to see what im doing, the if function has to be in E16.
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    Last edited by dyoung6; 11-18-2008 at 01:26 AM. Reason: more detail

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