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13 X 545 Worksheet?

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  1. #1
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    13 X 545 Worksheet?

    Is there any way to cut the size of the worksheet in excel to a specific size such 13 Columns by 545 rows? I am not an experienced programer but, I am trying to idiot proof a sheet that I will be sharing with others who are evn less competent than myself.

    The second question is: Is it possible to have excel search for the first empty cell in a column, and set the print area to end there?

    Basically, I have a pricing program for items whose prices change daily. My sheet is designed to allow them to enter 500 or so items onto a single order sheet. Since I have it programmed to calculate prices, lines that conatin no data, also have $0.00 in the computation fields. So when I ask to print, it gives me to the last cell of the defined area even though there are no entries for 100 rows prior. I don't know if I am making sense, but I want the end user to be able to click print and have excel print everything up to and including their last data entry, but no more.
    Last edited by VBA Noob; 03-26-2009 at 06:48 PM.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert shg's Avatar
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    Re: 13 X 545 Worksheet?

    Welcome to the forum.

    You can hide the unneeded rows.
    Entia non sunt multiplicanda sine necessitate

  3. #3
    Forum Expert teylyn's Avatar
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    Re: 13 X 545 Worksheet?


    You can select all columns to the right of your table and hide them Format - Columns - Hide. Same goes for rows. Select all rows below your table and go Format - Rows - Hide.

    Then select the table and make it the print area. Then go to Insert - Name - Define, select the name Print_Area and change the "Refers to" to this:


    This will set the print area to only the number of rows that have a value in column A. Careful, do not leave blank rows between data rows, because that will mess up the print area.

    hope that helps

  4. #4
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    Re: 13 X 545 Worksheet?

    Ok I was having a brain cramp...yes hide the rows...duh.

    Now the other problem.... Using 2007. Did the define name like you said but I needed to use column B for the test. I changed all the "A"s to "B" s but not working. Can you parse for me? This would save me time.

    I also have one more issue: I have the sheet configured with a locked horizontal split (top portion appears on all pages) when you it the up button from a cell from the first line after the split it jumos to the end of the sheet since I only have three rows of cells where the user can make inputs. Any way to make it stop when it gets to the bottom or top?

  5. #5
    Forum Expert teylyn's Avatar
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    Re: 13 X 545 Worksheet?


    13 columns starting with column A and counting the entries in Column B will be the formula


    As to the other part with the split, I don't have 2007 in front of me, so, can't really say.

  6. #6
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    Re: 13 X 545 Worksheet?

    yes that works BUT.... Top section has merged cells can we start the count at B14? I tried to tinker with it, but it didn't work.

    I appreciate all the help thus far. And that scrolling issue is really annoying and it is the one really gaping whole in the idiot proofing.

  7. #7
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    Re: 13 X 545 Worksheet?

    I figured it out...Thanks for your help... You are AWESOME!!! Can I trouble you with 1 more?

    Any way to (going along with the work book metaphor) tear a sheet from the "workbook" and with a click send it via email to a designated address? Or is that too complicated for someone like me. I know where to put VB code, just have no idea how to write it. Haven't written code since my apple II plus days.

  8. #8
    Forum Expert teylyn's Avatar
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    Re: 13 X 545 Worksheet?

    I'm only dabbling in VBA, not very good at it. I think this might warrant a new post in the Programming section of the forum. If it can be done, someone there will point you in the right direction. Just keep the description to the "email a worksheet" part.

  9. #9
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    Re: 13 X 545 Worksheet?

    Thanks a million you guys rock!!!!

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