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Look for empty cells and input text in them

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    Look for empty cells and input text in them


    So, I'd like to do something with a macro in Excel, but i'm not sure how I can do this. You can see the attached workbook for an example of what I'd like to do.

    So, I want to do a check in column A to see if there's any value already in that cell. After that check, I want to write something automaticaly in the first cell that is empty. The Column B would be hidden and locked.

    I'll have to do this in a couple different macros to input different text when I press on different buttons.

    At first I thought of using a For Next loop, but i'm not too sure how I would handle the If sentence in there.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    Edit : Alternatively, I've been trying to change my If formula you can find in the workbook to be of a certain value if it's the first empty cell, as I've managed to use the For Next loop. The only problem now is that it fills every single empty cell in column A.

    Edit 2 : Yup, I was able to solve it by changing my If formula so that only the first empty cell would show a value of 1, which is then the the If sentence in the For Next loop in the macro.
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    Last edited by Yobari; 07-23-2009 at 09:21 AM.

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