Hi again, I am trying to make 2 tabs in 1 workbook work together. What I am trying to do is to make a column in one tab that already has numbers in it, subtract another number in the second tab and put the number that it equals into a certain column on the second tab. If you need me to add my workbook to show you what I am talking about I can. If you could please help me with this, my workbook will be complete! Thanks in advance for the input. (IF YOU TAKE A LOOK AT MY WORKBOOK AND GO TO THE INDIVIDUAL SHEET IN THE BOTTOM. SCROLL OVER TO "FAWCETT A-1 AND WETTSTEIN 1-28) I NEED TO TAKE I8 IN THE FAWCETT A-1 SHEET AND HAVE THAT NUMBER WHICH IN THIS CASE IS 50 THEN SUBTRACT I8 IN WORKSHEET WETTSTEIN 1-28 WHICH IS 24 THEN HAVE THAT NEW NUMBER OF "26" PUT BACK IN THE FAWCETT A-1 WORKSHEET IN COLUMN I8) I HOPE THIS HELPS AND IS NOT TO CONFUSING BUT IF YOU COULD HELP ME FIGURE THIS OUT, I WOULD GREATLY APPRECIATE IT!!! Thanks in advance