I'm using Excel 2003 and I've been using this formula to sort out duplicates:
=if((b2=b1)*(c2=c1),"x","") - which will sort first name, last name columns
=if(b2=b1,"x","") - which will just do a single column.
I just arrange Z-A and all the dupes come to the top, which I can delete from my main dupecheck list, and then copy the dupes to the list I'm working on and weed them out the same way.
This may or may not be the source of the problem, but when I started working in GoogleDocs, the formula stopped catching dupes. Not all of them, just some of them. One of the people that I'm working with uses OpenOffice, so these names get pasted from OpenOffice, to GoogleDocs, then I download them, or just copy/paste them, into my Excel sheet. I don't see any pattern as to when certain names aren't working anymore.
I'm assuming that there's some formatting that makes them not appear the same to Excel, even though to my eye they look the same. I can't see any difference, and tried to remove all formatting and it still doesn't help. I've also tried using data>filter>advanced filter, but they still don't pick them up.
One odd thing I have noticed is that the first row of data (B column), which is usually last names, does work, but the second row of data (C column) is what is messed up. Basically =if(c2=c1,"x","") doesn't find the dupes. I can run =if(b2=b1,"x","") and then visually scan for dupes and see if the first name is the same, but man what a pain for a 5k list.
It would make more sense to me if this happened for all dupes, but its just a few here and there. No idea why its doing it, how to fix it, or if there's a better way to find duplicates in my situation.
Any ideas?