After some searching in the forums, I wasn't able to find any info to help me out in my particular situation.

I think I may have crossed the threshold of my own abilities by trying to link cells to formulas in other worksheets within my workbook.

Let me try to explain myself:
I have 20 to 30 worksheets within my workbook. I would have created multiple workbooks, but so much of the data is linked between the sheets and I wanted to have it all in one file location. Anyway, I have a cell with the following formula in cell A6:
=IF(AND(E40>89, E41="Go", E42>89, I40>89, I41="Go", F8=0), "X", " ")

E40 is 80 which does not meet the first criteria to yield the TRUE value of X (all other criteria are met) - yet alas, there is an X in my cell.

It gets more interesting... I intended of having this data pulled from another worksheet.
While E40 shows 80, it is actually referencing a cell from another worksheet within my workbook. E40's fx ='M4 Scores'!F12

So - we go over to Worksheet 'M4 Scores' to cell F12 and this cell is also a formula:
=IF(E12<23,"No-Go",IF(E12<30,"70",IF(E12<36,"80",IF(E12<=40,"100"," "))))

This formula is dependent on E12's value, which is 35.

All the formulas work, except the first formula I mentioned:
=IF(AND(E40>89, E41="Go", E42>89, I40>89, I41="Go", F8=0), "X", " ")

The strange thing is that if I go back to the cell that alerted me to the problem (E40), and I manually type in 80 (which it already had displayed as a result from the formula), it instantly works.

If I evaluate the formula, the evaluation tells me that E40 is True - meaning that it is over 89, when it is clearly not. It is displaying an 80.

I am extremely confused. I have had other issues like this when referencing multiple formulas across multiple cells.

Can anyone help?
