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Lookup/multi functions trouble

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    Excel 2003

    Unhappy Lookup/multi functions trouble

    I am very new to excel and could definitely use some help. I am trying to create a tracker for people then place them in the most desired location based on the corresponding value. My first table consist of =countif(range, "x") formulas. Then i use this information on another table with simple subtraction (i.e. =3-sheet1!cell)). This table gives me important data such as "this person has this item to do this many more times". Then my next table gives me the same type of information in reverse. Meaning, I have this item...who needs to do it. where I am getting stuck is the next few steps. I want to take the information (i.e. the names of the people) and place them in the best spot possible based on how many more times they need to do the item.
    "based on the highest number in column "B" I want the associated name to go in a different column" However, the name that ends up in that column cannot go into the column next to that one.
    Name1 4
    Name2 3
    Name3 5
    Name4 2

    Now there are multiple names and values and I am trying to optimize their placement. Also, there will be multiple names with the same number that I would like to organize in the best way. This is the first of three steps I am looking for help with. Thank you for your time!
    Last edited by kdub13; 06-14-2011 at 03:02 AM.

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