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Bar chart with IF function and cond. formatting

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    Bar chart with IF function and cond. formatting

    The sheet is used to show planned tasks, their duration and status.
    Conditional formatting is filling cells with 3 different colours (depending on a number inside the cell outputted by the IF fuction).
    Example from one of the green cells:
    =IF(AND(W$2>=$L9,W$2<=$M9),IF($G9="Completed",3,IF($G9="In Progress",2,1)),"")

    The chart is shown on a 365 days scale, each column representing 1 day. The chart may start from any day of the year (i.e April).

    Status of the task:
    1-Conditional formatting (CF) fills with red-task not started
    2-CF fill with yellow-task in progress
    3-CF fill with green-task completed

    Tasks may start and end in different times so the bars are spread through the 365 days scale. Pls see attached screenshot: 1.jpg and 2.jpg (with forumulas uncovered-columns widened and unhidden).

    To sum up - the IF function is used to output value (1,2 or 3) and CF produces colour.

    I need an overlay which shows realization of the green tasks (status 3). Since CF does not allow diagonal borders I want to use a Pattern Style in a Format/Fill.

    Since realization of the tasks will be different than the plan there are various scenarios:

    A-B (planend start-finish)
    X-Y (real start-finish)

    Ax-By (plan=reality)
    A-B x-y (task was realized after scheduled window)
    x-y A-B (task was realized before scheduled window)
    A-x-y-B (task started later and was completed before planned date)
    A-x-B-y (task started later and was completed later)
    A-x-By (task started later and was completed and the planned time)
    x-A-B-y (task started earlier than planned but was completed after planned date)
    x-A-y-B (task started earlier than planned and was completed before planned time)

    So one part of the bar could be green only, one both green and patterned, and the rest part could be patterned only.
    For an example second task:
    Days of chart(row no.2): 9-17. Green
    Days 11-22. Patterned
    Pls see attached screenshot: 3.jpg
    My idea was to have a bigger range of numbers/letters available as values for the cells so CF could handle more formatting variants, i.e. 3-green, P-Green Patterned, D-patterned.
    How to redo the IF formula so it also shows 'Actual start date' and 'Actual finish date'?
    Thanks. Mateusz.
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