Hey forum,
I'm trying to perform some GETPIVOTDATA functions and I've searched on this forum and several others and the criteria that I'm trying to use is not working correctly but it SHOULD be and I can't figure out why.

I have a pivot sheet in my workbook with all of my data. I have another sheet that I'm wanting to put some GETPIVOTDATA cells to pull in information. This is the basic setup I have for those cellls, with the cellreference that isn't working. It's looking for a badge number cell on the sheet, then pulling the FW data from the appropriate place in the pivot based on the second cell reference. The SECOND cell reference is working fine, but whenever the Badge is referencing a cell I just continue to get #REF!. Now if I replace the Badge reference cell with the ACTUAL number of the badge then then everything works fine. I've no idea why the second cell reference works but the first one does not:

Not working:


It might be important to mention as well that the Badge reference cell, $E$10, is pulled up based on a dropdown that matches a name with HR data to pull the badge. However, I have also just tried to reference the cell WITHOUT any code and just having a plain number and that delivers the exact same results in the getpivotdata cell.

Badge Pull-Up Cell, however just typing 123456 in the cell and then referencing does NOT work as well:


Any assistance would be great. Right now I'm pulling all the data myself in multiple pivot sheets but I'd like ONE master sheet where I can just choose an employee from a dropdown and setup a way to see all their year to date data in a nice and neat sheet.