I have a long column of cells which all are in the form "1pm - 3pm Golf with John" or "11:30am - 12:30pm Meeting with Paul". I need to take these cells and make a new column of only the time intervals, ex. "1:00pm - 3:00 pm", "4:00pm - 5:30pm"
While I've been able to display the times with

=REPLACE(E2,FIND(" ",E2,FIND(" - ",E2,1)+3),100,"")

which I know is hideous looking, I can't make the times display as ":00" if the time ends an hour, such as "1pm", "2pm", etc.
I did succeed in displaying the first hour's minutes with (get ready)

=IF(5=SEARCH("-",E2,1),LEFT(E2,1)&":00"&MID(REPLACE(E2,FIND(" ",E2,FIND(" - ",E2,1)+3),100,""),2,100),IF(6=SEARCH("-",E2,1),LEFT(E2,1)&":00"&MID(REPLACE(E2,FIND(" ",E2,FIND(" - ",E2,1)+3),100,""),2,100),REPLACE(E2,FIND(" ",E2,FIND(" - ",E2,1)+3),100,"")))

and now I give up lol. Is this easy and I just don't know a formula for it? I'm an excel noobie, I learned all the formulas in there today, kinda making things up as I go along.

Help is greatly appreciated! =)