I have a text based inventory report (43,000 items) that I have imported into excel, with all the data going into column A. The inventory item is on one row and the counts and values are on 2 other rows, each row without item number identification. Many of the items are serialized so the number of rows per item can be variable. The item number row contains the text "ITEM:" and the Totals row contains the text "TOTAL VALUE". Using DATA/FILTER/AUTOFILTER I added a formula to column k that would pick up the total for ITEM 1, for instance +a11, and then copied that down to all rows. Again using Autofilter I searched for all rows that did not contain the words "TOTAL VALUE" and ended up with hundreds of rows that had misc. data due the random number of serialized items in some of the inventory items, or just from page breaks.

How do I correct my formula to pick up only the next row with "TOTAL VALUE" in it for each item?

I tried using =IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("Total",A11)),A11,"") but it is only returning a blank.

Any help or new approaches would definitely be appreciated.