I have 2 sheets in a workbook - "Main" and Insurance". "Main" has a list in Col A of 25 locations with letter designations (A, B, C, D etc). "Insurance"" has 12 columns of document names to be tracked for each location also in column A. Until documents are received each column is marked "missing" for that location. On the Main sheet, I can summarize the insurance status for each location with following formula:


Here's the challenge I can't resolve. The range A5:M5 in the example above must be dynamic, because the locations on the Insurance sheet will change due to sorting, etc. So A5:M5 could become A12:M12 the next day. I've been able to use Match to identify the corresponding row on "Insurance" for a given location, but I can't resolve the whole range address to make it work. I can use a formula or UDF to make this work.
Thanks in advance!
