First part of my problem is that I have no proper description of it.
Second part is this:
I have data, which is income, the second column is a percentage of the total income. So far, so good. Problem is, I need to extend it to 50+ columns and have a fair amount of rows.
Cell B1 and C1 are merged, and stand for a week, I do have the figures of each week and product but would like to see the percentage next to it.
Quick example:
A1 B1 C1
income 1: =Sheet1!A2 =(B2/B$4)
income 2: =Sheet1!A3 =(B3/B$4)
Total: =sum(B2:B3)
If I select B2:C3 and drag it into the next cells I have the problem that cell D2 becomes =Sheet1!C2 while I need it to be =Sheet1!B2
Alternatively I tried it to do with 2 different sheets, where C2 and C3 are =Sheet2!A2 and =Sheet2!A3
Thanks for the help.