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Copying data from 2 different sheets at once

  1. #1
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    Question Copying data from 2 different sheets at once


    First part of my problem is that I have no proper description of it.

    Second part is this:
    I have data, which is income, the second column is a percentage of the total income. So far, so good. Problem is, I need to extend it to 50+ columns and have a fair amount of rows.
    Cell B1 and C1 are merged, and stand for a week, I do have the figures of each week and product but would like to see the percentage next to it.

    Quick example:
    A1 B1 C1
    income 1: =Sheet1!A2 =(B2/B$4)
    income 2: =Sheet1!A3 =(B3/B$4)
    Total: =sum(B2:B3)
    If I select B2:C3 and drag it into the next cells I have the problem that cell D2 becomes =Sheet1!C2 while I need it to be =Sheet1!B2

    Alternatively I tried it to do with 2 different sheets, where C2 and C3 are =Sheet2!A2 and =Sheet2!A3

    Thanks for the help.

    Last edited by Appel; 09-05-2012 at 08:36 PM.

  2. #2
    Forum Contributor arlu1201's Avatar
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    Re: Copying data from 2 different sheets at once

    Do you have a sample file which you can upload?

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  3. #3
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    Re: Copying data from 2 different sheets at once

    Ok thanks for the reply.

    I added an example, not the official document though. But the idea is the same

    So sheet 1 contains the data, and sheet 2 the output, including the percentages next to it, that is my ultimate goal.

    If I select B3 until C7 in sheet 2, I can drag it towards the next columns, however it skips a column every time I do, and leaving me with only 50% of the data.

    Hope this helps
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  4. #4
    Forum Contributor arlu1201's Avatar
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    Re: Copying data from 2 different sheets at once

    Will this work?

    You keep your data as is in sheet1, then a macro inserts columns for you after every alternate column and puts in the %ages.

  5. #5
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    Re: Copying data from 2 different sheets at once


    I suppose that worked out.

  6. #6
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    Re: Copying data from 2 different sheets at once

    You can use the combination of the Address, Indirect, Row and Column functions to do what you want without having to mess around with a macro. Do note that this does have an impact on the calculation speed if you have thousands of rows (or columns) of data...

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    Last edited by Cooldil; 09-06-2012 at 12:52 AM. Reason: missed editing row 7 on sheet 2 initially...

  7. #7
    Forum Contributor arlu1201's Avatar
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    Re: Copying data from 2 different sheets at once


    How did you get it solved? You did it manually?

  8. #8
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    Re: Copying data from 2 different sheets at once

    To be honest, yes I did it manually.

    However, I did manage to get a macro work to insert a new column every next column. (used google and found an example, forgot where) And am sure I would have been able to fix it fully, given time.

    It is mainly because of my lack of skills yet, and the number of columns werent that big. And since I was running out of time.... I did it manually. I know that it normally pays off to invest the few hours into making the macro, especially for future use.

    I might make a macro in the future, since I might want to use it more often.

    Thanks for the help.

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