Basically I'm trying to make a Excel spreadsheet that'll help me track all my marks. However, the thing is, my teachers don't simply average all the assignments, tests, quizzes and whatever. They take, for example, 75% of your test/quiz marks, and 25% of your homework. I get the feeling that I should be using an IF statement, but I'm not quite sure how to implement it.

Table structure:
ID Assignment Mark Points Possible Type
1 Lab 4.5 46 51 lab/project/homework
2 Chapter 8 Test (omit 8.3) 54 60 test/quiz

Basically, because tests and homework are weighted differently, I can't simply sum everything. I need to somehow check whether each row's "Type" cell matches "lab/project/homework" or "test/quiz", and then adjust the formula.

This is what I have so far:
But I'm not sure how to make it loop through this check through each row of my table.

Thanks, your help is much appreciated!