Hello all, I have spent a long time looking for the answer to this question so I am hoping by posting here the answer will come to me.

Anyway, I keep track of business costs using Excel 2010 and I want to be able to autosum my expenses based on headings from a dropdown list. In column C I can select the type of expense (flights, accommodation, etc.) from the dropdown list. My cost for each flight, etc. is in column N. I want to be able to see may total cost for each heading on another worksheet. I have used the formula =IF(September!C:C="Flights","SUM:September!N:N","") but this just gives me a blank cell, does this formula need to be made cell specific in some way? i.e. is the logical test for my current formula looking at column C as a whole rather than individual cells? Basically, I want it to look at each individual cell in column C and sum values in column N based on the item selected from the dropdown menu in column C.

I will have the different payment methods (credit card, cash, cheque) in dropdown list in column D and also want to track total spends on each, I assume the same formula for above will work for this, just change column C to D?

Also, I will use Excel but may use a Google Spreadsheet instead, will the same formula work in Google?

Thanks in advance for any responses.