OK guys...I thought this would be simple, but I was definitely wrong. I am trying to use the sumproduct formula and it continues to give me an error. I have two columns. The first column displays completed, cancelled or pending. This column is a drop down menu when entering the data. The second column is a drop down menu of hospital names that were the destination of our calls. I need a count of completed calls to a specific hospital. Example: I need the total number of calls that show completed with the destination of Security Forces Hospital- Riyadh.

Here is the formula I am entering: =SUMPRODUCT((g27:g348="completed")*(L27:L348="Security Forces Hospital- Riyadh")). I have even tried used the shift+ctrl+enter function. I have checked the spelling multiple times as well as the columns and rows for accuracy. Initially, I was getting a #name error, but I have tried this formula so many ways that I don't remember what that particular formula was. Now all I am getting is the typical "The formula you typed contains an error" Excel pop up window. Could it be the drop down menu in the G column and the L column that is confusing the formula?

Thanks in advance for the help!!!
