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Calculations for Tiered Elecric pricing

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    Calculations for Tiered Elecric pricing

    We are trying to make a chart that we can plug in the KWh used each month to see if the eletric is cheaper on the smart plan vs the basic plan.

    The smart plan is done in 3 tiers. Off peek, mid peek and high peek. Each with its own price per KWh.
    The basic plan is done at one base rate at KWh from 0-1000, 1000-1500 and then every thing over 1500.
    My problem is with the basic plan. We can input the total KWh for the month, but I can not get any =SUMPRODUCT formula to work right.

    This is for the area highlighted in Green. I just need it to multiply the Total KWh in (H) by the chart in the box. For the most part the only thing that will change is (M6 and M5)

    Thanks for any help. When I searched, most come up with a negative tier pricing or % commision pricing. I have tried to plug in the numbers and modify the formulas and it never works.
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