I'm creating an accounting spreadsheet for my small business, I'm having trouble figuring out how to correctly create a formula. I use this formula: =SUM(E3,-F3,-G3,-H3,-I3) for each entry in a row to either credit or debit the line item into the ytd column which is J. But I also want the ytd column to show the correct and current value as each line item is entered. I can get this to happen if I click on J1 (which is actually the heading cell) and use the autosum feature it shows the correct running total in the heading cell. If I try to get it to work in any of the actual "working" cells in column J (the ytd total column) it seems to conflict with the formula shown above to get the correct amount positive or negative to show in the ytd total. I'm sure there's a way to make these formulas work together so that each row or line item is brought across correctly and the ytd column reflects the correct running total as each line item is entered.