Hey folks, here's what I have for you. I've managed to get this done before in a more complicated, time-consuming fashion, but I need to do this every couple of months and am looking for a better way to produce what I need.

Basically, I have a list of employees and accompanying information that I generated/edited months ago, and I need to compare that with a list of employees that I generated from our Domain's active directory today. The goal is to come up with an accurate list of current employees.

Why not just go with the current list, you say? The problem is there are a couple of hundred "User" accounts in AD that aren't actual people, and there's no way for me to filter those out beforehand, unfortunately. Also, I had to go in and manually add certain data (i.e. "Manager") for many users on my last list, which I would like to pull over onto the list I am creating now.

I hope this makes sense. TIA.