I have a set of 3 indicators that each need to be collected at least once in a 6 month period. They can be called PH1, PH2, and PH3. For the most part they are collected on the same day, but they may be collected on different days. The 6 month period is rolling, meaning that if we have an individual and we are looking at them for January through June and the indicators are collected in January, their criteria would be satisifed for that period. If the next month, we look at their data for February through July, and they haven't collected anything since January, their criteria wouldn't be satisfied. Below is a columized example of output I currently have in Excel. PH1 and PH2 are usually taken on the same day but PH3 comes from a different report and may have different dates taken. The results may appear on different lines as seen below. The person may also be tied to 2 different "Companies" and repeat data may appear if they are. The data is actually coming from 2 different reports and I am combining them on the back end. I want to be able to place a value for each person for each specific company, to display that they met the criteria for the 6 month period of time. I don't want to sum up each time, I would prefer just to have a value of 1 or a value of 0 if the criteria isn't satisfied. I'd be down for combining cells with the same "Person" and different dates.

This is how my data looks:

Person |Company |Date Taken |PH1| PH2|PH3 |

Joe |CompA |1/1/12 |3.5 |2.4 | |

Joe |CompA |1/5/12 | | | 4.5 |

Joe |CompB |1/1/12 |3.5 |2.4 | |

Joe |CompB |1/5/12 | | | 4.5 |

Phil |Comp A | 1/7/12 | | 3.2 |3.1|

This is what I want to come out.
Person |Company |Date Taken |PH1| PH2|PH3 | Met Criteria

Joe |CompA |1/1/12 |3.5 |2.4 | | 1

Joe |CompA |1/5/12 | | | 4.5 |

Joe |CompB |1/1/12 |3.5 |2.4 | | 1

Joe |CompB |1/5/12 | | | 4.5 |

Phil |Comp A | 1/7/12 | | 3.2 |3.1| 0