Hello everyone!
I'm hoping someone can help me with a problem I'm having. I'm not very experienced when it comes to excel, just a warning.

I'm trying to format a call-log summary for my office that would sum the number of calls taken on a certain day between certain times. The data being summed is in a second worksheet and has a column for date the call was taken as well as one for the time the call began.

I'm using Excel 2003 and I've been trying to use countif, and have tried permutations of count(and as well as countif(and, but nothing I do seems to work.

As an example, here's the formula that I thought would be the most logical:

=countif('All Calls'!$A:$I, AND('All Calls'!A:A='All Calls'!A7, 'All Calls'!B:B>TIME(09, 00, 00), 'All Calls'!B:B<TIME(10, 00, 00)))

But when I try and use that formula it tells me that I'm referring to empty cells. If someone could help me out by either telling me what I did wrong in the formula, or explaining the correct formula I should be using, I would really appreciate it. I've attached a copy of what I'm looking at data wise, for reference. Call Log Summary Template.pdf

Thanks in advance!