Hi all,

I am hoping youcan help me.

I am trying to setup a spreadsheet to log absence within our business and detail varying levels of sick pay. On one sheet (which I've called Sick Days) I have each employee name in the first column and each column following that represents a day e.g.

column B - 1st Jan
column C - 2nd Jan

The reason it is detailed this way is due to the fact our staff members have different contracted hours and our sickness is logged in hours. So if someone working a 10 hour day is sick, I would put 10 against the relevant date. I have a formula totalling the numbe of sick hours.

This is now where it gets tricky.

Our absence policy means that we pay x amount of hours at full pay and x amount at half pay in any given rolling 12 month period, once this is exhausted the employee goes onto zero pay.
I am therefore adding a row under each employee name where i will detail "Full", "Half" and "Zero" so that we know, at a glance, what was paid for any period of absence.

I have now created a "Totals" sheet where I want to summarise a total for each week in each month. I have created that formula fine, what I am struggling with is the formula for the text. What I want is something like this:

=IF('Sick Days'!AE4:AK4="Full","Half","Zero"'Sick Days'!AE4:AK4)

But when I use that formula, the cell is populated with that foumla, not the result or an error?

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

Many thanks in advance.
