
tried to solve this and didn't get very far...

anyway, should be a simple problem for you excel experts

i have one column of text strings (column S). there are unique and duplicate values in this column.

what i need in column T is a formula i can drag down that only counts if the immediate row in column S is a unique value in the range S:S.

for example:
if S2 is unique in the range S:S, return 1
if S3 is unique in the range S:S, return 1
if S4 is unique in the range S:S, return 1
if S5 is a duplicate in the range S:S, return 0

i thought of using =MATCH(S2,S:S,0) and dragged down, which does tell me which rows are unique... but i don't know how to continue further

thank you so much in advanced for the help