I am trying to get formula which will help me to get the difference between two date and time. But the there is one condition that while calculation difference i need to calculate till particular time in one day and then after that calculation will start from next day.
I guess below example will clear my question properly.
Column A (Start date & time) Column B (End date & time) Column C (Available hours) Column D total time
12/13/12 5:00 12/14/12 16:00 07:00 - 18:00
So in above example i need calculate the difference in D column as per the given time i.e 07:00 - 18:00 which is in C column.
Manually i calculate this as below.
I will concider the start time from 12/13/12 07:00 hrs till 18:000. so it will be 11 hrs.
Then again from 12/14/12 07:00 hrs till 16:00 hrs bcz end time is 16:00. so it will be 9 hrs.
So my result will be 20 hrs in D column.
Is it possible to do it with help of formula??