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Help with a forumla, IF or DIFF???

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    Help with a forumla, IF or DIFF???

    I'm not great with Excel 2010 but I get by.

    I need to write a forumula which compares the difference between two numbers in two cells and writes a word in the third cell. The rule is B1 - A1. If that resulting number is less than -0.25 then it's "good" if it's more than -0.25 but less than 0.25 then it's "ok" and if it's more than 0.25 then it's "bad". The other problem I have is A1 is on a page called "clock" and B1 is on another page called "times" so it makes it more complicated. So far I have this forumla

    =IF(('times'!B1-clock!AL36)<0.25,"good") So this works for less than 0.25 but how do I add to the forumla for between -025 to +0.25 and more than 0.25

    A B C
    4 3 good

    A B C
    4 4.1 ok (C is OK as A and B are within the limit -0.25 and +0.25)

    A B C
    4 4.3 bad (B1is more than 0.25 greater than A1)

    My brain is wrecked. Happy new year too.

    Last edited by Dr_Watson; 01-02-2013 at 04:02 AM.

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