I hope you can help.

I have a spreadsheet that I use for keeping track of birds that I and three other people ring. Each row contains species name, Location and who ringed it amongst other things. I have the formula below that I use to count the unique number of species that we have ringed, from the total number of animals that we have ringed. (Column E is called "species").

=SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(IF(LEN('2012'!E2:E399)>0,MATCH('2012'!E2:E399,'2012'!E2:E399,0),""), IF(LEN('2012'!E2:E399)>0,MATCH('2012'!E2:E399,'2012'!E2:E399,0),""))>0,1))

This works fine for an overall total but it would also be good if I could either filter or calculate the results by person's initals which is contained in another field. Is it possible to do this? Essentially I guess I am saying can I run the above formula only when the cell that contains the name = "KP"?
