I have recently updated out company database to include insurance details and mailing details for customers. Database was the easy part it seems now I have to get a report to run off it which works perfect I just cant figure out an easy way for it to filter out deceased parties and create a name mail merge as required.

IE I have Vendor1 & Vendor 2 (Column A & Column B) both details on the system , I also have dates deceased ( Column S & Column T) So there are various outcomes to this scenario ... ONe Vendor , Two Vendors , One Alive , Two Alive , Both deceased, so that would be one part , once we work out that side then we have to concantenate the name to include "&" as necessary for a mail merge.

I always come here when stuck and hopefully someone can just look at and go EASY fella this is the best method for that.

Dont want to over complicate with nested If statements if possible want it to be simple enough for someone else to read the formulas so can be broken down in to steps if need be.

So really how I see it (could be wrong) We have a formula that compares the name against the date of death .. if alive copy their name to another cell , if deceased leave blank..... then a formula that works out If person 1 deceased then person 2 becomes main contact and not include and ampersand ,if both deceased flag it as a terminated contract.

Hopefully that makes sense... if you have any questions let me know.

Would be much appreciated. There are other factors I have to take in to account but this is the one that has me a bit puzzled as my formula skills are patchy Ive realised.

many thanks