Helo, again.

I am trying to solve a problem of schedueling my employees. After various designs, I came to the conclusion that I need a file with the folowing spread sheets
- one for the entire year,
- for each month and
- for each day. This spread sheets will contain linked cells with the name of the employees, so that I hire a new one, it wouldnīt be necessary to add it in every sheet.
I just find the method of how to use a macro for creating the 365 spreadsheet for the days here is the thread ( http://www.excelforum.com/excel-form...59#post3090459 ), and I think this is a great step.

The problem is I need that these spread sheets be identicaly and I donīt know how to do this. I mean, I have the sheet of 1/01/2013, and I want to copy that for 365 times, changing the name of it, and if it would be possible change in the cell A1 of each sheet the date (the cel A1 contains the date of the day).

Also I intented to do a hiperlink for a spread sheet and than copying it for the other 364 days, but it doesnt works, because it does not change the name of the sheet but the name of the cell.

Thank you for your helping me.
